Benefits of Organic Farming



Established Member
Natural Farming

Dear Friends,

Panchapuda was given by Nature to us. Panchapuda consists of Earth, Water, Sky, Fire and Air. This was given to us to create things and produce foods. For creating new things the purity of the nature cannot be spoiled. For example we cannot mix the water with chemical and spoil it purity. There are days people use to go to river or nearby pond for taking drinking water. Today people are not ready to even have bath in river or pond water. Why?, because it is fully contaminated because of the mix of chemicals. For purifying the chemical again we have to use one more chemical process. Like this we have started spoiling the air, earth and also the ozone zone is affected. Because of the ozone zone problem the sunlight is also polluted. Where is the end?

First process is cultivating crops without use of chemicals. Once it starts the food, water, air and the health of the people will increase. Hence we can avoid using chemical medicines to cure the diseases created by the use of chemicals in the food.

Nature has given us mother cow. In Bharatha Cow is worshiped as Goddess Kamadenu. Infact the actual thing is Goddess Lakshmi resides in the back side of cow where the dung and urine comes out. Till fifty years back we can see around 10 to 20 cows standing in the back side of every house irrespective of the caste and religion. Where are these cows now? They were a part of our family. Today these family members are missing from our family. They helped us in growing agriculture.

In order to bring back the traditional way of agriculture we are producing organic fertilizers and pesticides. The fertilizer is called as Panchagavya and the pesticide is called us Agnihastra. We request you to kindly cultivate crops by organic way of cultivation.

For your requirement please contact us

V Sudhindranath
LTA Trading Private Limited
No. 18/7, Chitrakoot, Kumaracot Layout,
High Grounds, Bangalore 560 001.
Ph: 99450 66699.

Fertilizer recommended by Tamil Nadu Agriculture University

Dear Sir

Tamil Nadu Agriculture University has recommend usage of Panchagavya in Agriculture. Panchagavya from Desi cows will have more effect compared panchagavya prepared from vidhesi cows.

We are having around 36 breeds of Desi Cows and Panchagavya is prepared from Desi Cows only.

Agnihastra is an organic pesticide which will drive out all the pest from the plants and cure all the diseases in crops.

The purchase help us in saving more cows.

V Sudhindranath
LTA Trading Private Limited
No. 18/7, Chitrakoot, Kumaracot Layout,
High Grounds, Bangalore 560 001.
Ph: +91 99450 66699
Web site:

Dear Sir

Mr Kannan an organic Farmer was using our Product for growing Paddy in his field. Three years back there was flood in Tamil Nadu and the water was standing in the field for more than 15 days. The crops near by field in that area all got spoiled and Mr Kannan crop was safe and it withstand the 15 days water logging. Mr Kannan was using only our fertilizers.

Last year Mr Kannan was sowing Seeraga Samba Paddy variety for his field and there was a huge water crisis because of the dispute in sharing of water between Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Every one suffered a huge loss in the Delta region. Mr Kannan used traditional seeds and used only our Panchagavya fertilizer for this crop. This crop withstand the water crisis and the yield was same as last year.

From this it is a fact that Organic method will help and save in crop in case of excess water and also when there is water crisis.

Tamil Nadu Agriculture University visited the farm and they have made a video in this regard and the same was uploaded by them in YouTube. The link of the same is below

We request our brothers and sisters to use only organic product. Please buy Panchagavya Organic Fertilizers from us for your agriculture activity. We also produce agnihastra organic pesticides which will cure all the diseases in the crop and drive out all the pest in the crop.

Please contact us for your requirement.

Thanking you

With best regards

V Sudhindranath, Advocate Bangalore.
Mobile +91 99450 66699
LTA Trading Private Limited
No. 18/7, "Chitrakoot", Kumaracot Layout,
High Grounds,
Bangalore 560 001.
please visit
