Bat Guano as Organic Fertiliser



New Member
Dear All

I having an agriculture land. I want to transform that land to organic farming. I googled it and found out that for transition Bat guano is very useful.

Also Bat guano is an organic manure. Is any body using Bat guano in India. I want to know other benefits of the Bat guano, also availability in India and its price.

Please help me.


Advantages of guano.
* Bat Guano has a high percentage of natural living microbic flora. There is a predominance of beneficial fungus, actinomycetes and bacteria in it.
* Bat Guano is a nematocide. It destroys the primary stage of the nematodes and thus eliminates them. Eliminating nematodes is equal to protecting the plant's radicular system, which improve nutrition and production.
* Bat Guano is a fungicide and competes with disease causing microbes.
* Bat Guano contain a high percentage (40% and more) of organic matter.
* High content of cationic exchange, increasing the plant's feeding possibility.
* Guano has a wide range of chelates (natural organic-mineral compounds with a high molecular weight), which give bat guano great structural stability and produces a high residual effect in the soil and substrate where it is applied.
* Bat guano's composition varies according to the animals' feeding habits and the type and form of caves and habitat where they live, among other factors.

You can find out its availability in nearby fertiliser store. You can use it for conversion to organic land.

