Avoid contomination of milk



Established Member
Dear All,
Beware, your daily glass of good health could actually be doing you harm. An all-state study has found that milk is adulterated with detergent, fat and even urea. Besides, it is diluted with water. Across the country, 68.4% of the samples were found contaminated.

Only in Goa and Puducherry did 100% of the samples tested conform to required standards. At the other end were West Bengal, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Orissa and Mizoram, where not a single sample tested met the prescribed norms.

Only 22% of the milk samples randomly taken from the state for testing by the Food Safety Standards Authority of India did not meet the standards. In Kerala, this percentage was 28, 12 in Tamil Nadu and 6.7 in Andhra Pradesh.

In Delhi, 70% of the 71 milk samples picked up by the government agency failed to conform to standards. Fifty samples were found to be contaminated with glucose and skim milk powder, usually added to milk in the lean season to enhance volumes.

Other prominent states fared just a shade better than the national capital.

Around 89% of the samples tested from Gujarat, 83% from J&K, 81% from Punjab, 76% from Rajasthan, 70% from Haryana and 65% from Maharashtra failed the test. Around half of the samples from Madhya Pradesh (48%) met a similar fate.

The samples for testing - in all 1,791 - were collected randomly and analyzed from 33 states and Union territories. These were sent to government laboratories like department of food and drug testing of Puducherry, Central Food Laboratory in Pune, Food Reasearch and Standardization Laboratory in Ghaziabad, State Public Health Laboratory in Guwahati and Central Food Laboratory, Kolkata. They were tested for the presence of common adulterants such as fat, neutralizers, hydrogen peroxide, sugar, starch, glucose, urea, detergent, formalin and vegetable fat. Just around 31.5% of the total samples tested (565) conformed to the FSSAI standards while the rest 1,226 (68.4%) failed the test.

Detergent was found in 103 samples (8.4%). "This was mainly because the milk tanks were not properly washed. Detergents in milk can cause serious health problems," FSSAI official told TOI. The non-conforming samples in rural areas numbered 381 (31%) out of which 64 (16.7%) were packet milk and 317 (83.2%) were loose samples.

Therefore, All dairy Farmers, pls. try to provide clean milk.
Where can milk may contaminated.
Cattle shed should be clean.
Cattle should be washed timely.
Cattle teats should be washed & wiped with smooth dry cloth before collecting milk.
The person who is collecting should be clean and healthy.
Containers in which milk is collecting should be cleaned.
No container should be washed with any soap, detergent except baking soda.
Use containers which mouth is as small as possible to avoid contamination from air.
While applying any oil to teats before collecting milk should be cleaned and kept in a bottle.
Ensure the person who is having wounds should not collect milk.
Please don't carry milk to dairy with opened container, if used then every chance is possible for contamination.
Don't mix any other thing including water with the milk.
Who encourage pure and practice the same will get respect from others.
If possible (for small farmers) you can get cow to milk collection center and get milking machine free and collect milk from cow and send it to dairy(your milk will be measured before sending it to dairy container.
Our dairy Farmers should also have the same respect.


I think the report what you have said is mainly done by the dairy people bur not the farmers.

This is because you might have studied that due to the steep increase in the consumption of milk in china they started to add the chemicals in the milk which caused the cancer and stones in kidney.

The adulteration is at every level i agree. But the most part of it is encouraged by the dariy's.
