20 acres Mango garden for lease Near Nuzvid,Andhra Pradesh With Farm House



The garden located at Devarakunta(village) Near Nuzvid Krishna Dist

7 kms From Nuzvid ,7 Km from Meerzapuram(in between H. Junction and Nuzvid),50 Km from Vijayawada,AP

Totally red soil fixed with stones with fencing wire

2 bores with pumps and 1 bore left without connecting

2 bores are sanctioned from Apseb

Out of this 20 acres 400 mango trees 22 years of age with yield

200 Small Mango Plants 4 Years of Age with yield

40 coconut Trees with yield

One acre Drumstick Plantaion

Pipeline spread over 20 acres.

40 feet Good road for car & Truck For transport,

Farm House,Sufficient Water , EB Connection , Fencing, Servant Quarters, Cattle Sheds

If you are interested send mail
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20 acres Mango garden for lease Near Nuzvid,Andhra Pradesh With Farm House

Please contact me
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Please contact me if you have any plans to sell.

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please provide few more details like price, terms of agreement.
effort required to operate and amount to be invested to bring it on track.
please also provide your contact details.
