
  1. S

    Land Required 5-10 acre Water Touch Developed Farm with fruit trees required 100-130kms from Mumbai (In Palghar / Nashik / Raigad)

    Hi, I am looking at buying a developed farm with fruit / native trees cover . It has to be water touch land - river/ dam/ lake anything having 12 months water. Any slope /elevation on ;and would be good. We require 5-10acres, we will buy within next 3 months. We want to grow a food forest and...
  2. mobitech_irriauto

    Advertising Why irrigation should be automated?

    "Automation of irrigation systems can help maintain or increase crop production while saving valuable resources such as time, labor, water, fertiliser and energy" Types of Irrigation 1. Flood Irrigation 2. Drip Irrigation 3. Sprinkler Irrigation Flood Irrigation •140 million hectares are...
  3. S

    Wanted Cheap Agriculture Land in Maharashtra

    Hi, I want to buy 3 Acres of agriculture land in Maharashtra.. Price around 1 to 2 lakh per acre. must be fertile and water electricity supply, undisputed etc.. immediate buy. Regards
  4. K

    Looking for red soil agriculture land 25 acres in andhra pradesh with road access

    Hi Guys, I'm looking for red soil agriculture land in Andhra Pradesh. Should have clear title, road access and water in the field. Pls email me the details to my email : karunakar.katta@gmail.com Cheers! Karun
  5. parameshwar_h

    Crop irrigation estimation tool

    Dear farm friends, I have seen many farmers struggling to know the water requirement for different crops in different geographical conditions, under varied soil type with many irrigation techniques. Many times we may over irrigate or under irrigate, however we need to know the water...
  6. U

    farm land , agricultural land

    3 acres and 30 guntas of land within 9 kms of mysore city .good water source.great investment . contact 90935915519
  7. I

    Motor for borewell

    Hello all, I own a 2 acre mango farm and for the past 1 year we were not able to water our trees properly due to very less water output from previous bore.we were using 7 hp diesel compressor motor.I am thinking about having a new borewell since old one stopped giving waternow.may i know the...
  8. E

    Solar Water Pumps for Agriculture Purpose

    We offer solutions to run existing agriculture and industrial pumps on Solar Energy and there is no need to change any pumps. Also in case there is no pumps existing, we can supply solar system along with the pumps. Write to us on "enolar@gmail.com" for more details. Visit Welcome to Enolar...
  9. R

    Wanted -10 to 20 Acres Farm land in and around Narasaraopet, Guntur Dt,AndhraPradesh

    Hi, I am looking for 10 to 20 Acres Farm land in and around Narasaraopet, Guntur Dt, Andhra Pradesh. Preferences .... - Need plenty of water availability - Fertile land - Near road - Please contact : Email: Hemanthm2002@gmail.com
  10. educationteam

    Bhustalimath - Ground water investigation - Friday 14 June, 2013

    You are invited to attend a webinar (live discussion) on Ground water investigation with Bhustalimath B M, Bangalore To know more about Bhustalimath, follow the link below. http://www.agricultureinformation.com/consultants/groundwater-investigation-services/ In this live discussion you will...
  11. T

    Seeking Distributors for marketing our Compact RO desalination system from Japan.

    Compact RO desalination system from Japan Seeking Distributors for marketing our Compact RO desalination system from Japan. -Light-weighted design,easy to carry around -Require no electricity-manual r engine-driven pumps -Require no specially trained persons -can treat seawater,river,well,pool...
  12. K

    Solar Water Pump for Ac pump

    For Solar Pump Controllers with MPPT for any AC 3 phase pump, please contact below. We have over 120 installations all over India. Video on website below. Siddharth Kambe +91 9920791222 KB Electronics Solar Charger India | Solar Pump India | Smps Manufacturer India kbelectronics@gmail.com
  13. S

    Packaged Drinking water plant

    We want turn key project consultancy for putting up a Packaged Drinking water plant at Dhubri, Assam. Please contact with credentials
  14. J

    So near So Far from Water

    Dear Friends, I came across one farmer who had been striving to irrigate his farm land for the crops. But he had one difficulty of not able to fetch water from the nearby river due to no electricity supply in the village. There are many farmers who are facing the same issue since many many...
  15. P

    Indian Aquaponics

    Aquaponics is a sustainable food production system that combines a traditional aquaculture (raising aquatic animals such as snails, fish, crayfish or prawns in tanks) with hydroponics (cultivating plants in water) in a symbiotic environment. In the aquaculture, effluents accumulate in the water...
  16. S

    45 Acre Coconut Plantation For Sale In Thrissur District, Kerala

    As mentioned in the title, total area of land is 45 Acres and is located south west side of Thrissur District. Distance to NH 17 is 1.5 Kms & 5 km to beach. Land is full of thickly cultivated coconut trees. Asking price is 20,000/- Per Cent (twenty thousand). Price is Negotiable. Land is...
  17. S

    Wanted Land Minimum 10 Acre in Tamilnadu

    Hello I am interested to buy agri land minimum 10 acre with the least price available around these area Namakkal Erode Coimbatore Karur Tiruppur Salem Prefer good source of water , electricity and road facing. Only Genuine owers please... Thanks Selvan
  18. N

    Algae in Irrigation Pond

    Hello - can anyone help us identify the type of algae we have in our irrigation pond? Not sure if this is harmful to our crops (fruit and timber) but it clogs our drip irrigation pipes so is bit of a nuisance. Any recommendations around algae eating fish would be great...
  19. F

    How do i find underground water

    Someone asked me a few question on divining and this is what I had told him. I thought it better to post this here. "Good evening, It is very nice of you to ask me all these questions. It is absolutely true that the chain rotates very vigorously when there is plenty of water below. In fact...
  20. R

    need info about wind water pumps

    if any one know about wind water pumps plz let me know that how to arrange that T9 my deep well with 50 feet of depth. And approx cost also
