valve controller

  1. mobitechwireless

    New drip irrigation valve controller launched!!

    New model drip irrigation valve controller is launched by Mobitech wireless solution. This products helps farmer to switch on and off drip irrigation valves through mobile phone. For more info Mobitech Wireless Solution, S. P. Raja Kumaran, 1/4 Vengamedu, Erode Road...
  2. mobitechwireless

    Drip irrigation valve controller

    We have a device to control and monitor irrigation pump set and drip irrigation valve's through mobile phone.
  3. mobitech_irriauto

    Drip irrigation valve controller-gsm

    DRIP IRRIGATION VALVE CONTROLLER-GSM It is a device to control and monitor drip irrigation valves and pump set. Features: Switch On and Off 20 valves and pump set through cell phone Set the On and Off time of valve through cell phone Get alert SMS if Valve On Valve Off Pumpset On...
