traditional farming

  1. S

    Consultancy for Sustainable/Organic/Traditional Agriculture-all type of crops.

    We offer advisory/consultancy and management services for sustainable/organic/traditional agriculture, for all type of crops, and related projects such as organic/eco tourism, biodiversity conservation and promotion projects: Sustainable Agriculture Development Projects: 1...
  2. vriksha

    consultancy for organic farming and gardening

    Dear Friends: Greetings! I am an organic farming consultant and have been using the 1,000 year old Indian system of VRIKSHAYURVEDA to convert farms, gardens, orchards and plantations from conventional, chemical production to organic production in a few months' time for...
  3. V

    Organic Agriculture

    Organic Farming and Food Production. In organic farming, crops and other food are produced without chemicals. Fertilizers, pesticides, growth hormones and antibiotics are forbidden. During thousands of years of civilization the raising of animals and growing of plants have always been...
  4. V

    Traditional Ancient Farming is always Great

    Indian Systems is always the Great Adya brahmaNe dvitiiya paraarthe shri svetavaraaha kalpe vaivasvata manvantare kaliyuge prathame paade jambudvipe Bhartha Varshe, Bharatha Khande mero dhakshine parcheve We all would have heard this Sloka/ Sankalpam. This sloka is recited before the...
