tissue culture laboratory

  1. M

    Tissue Culture Technology

    Tissue culture technology available for industry /individuals through technology transfer route. This technology is developed by prestigious research institutes(BARC,CSIR) with preliminary support from the labs. Banana,Vanilla,Bamboo,Homalomena aromatica etc any other plant species...
  2. M

    Tissue Culture Technology

    Tissue culture technology available for industry /individuals through technology transfer route. This technology is developed by prestigious research institutes(BARC,CSIR) with preliminary support from the labs. Banana,Vanilla,Bamboo,Homalomena aromatica etc any other plant species...
  3. N

    Tissue culture- banana for sale

    Hai, We have the facility to sell 500 sapling of nendran banana any person agent may cotact sureshtoe at gmail.com
  4. E

    Tissue cultured Plants

    We provide service for the tissue cultured plant development. We can propagate your variety by tissue culture technology. your plant variety will be well protected . The mother plant will be provided by you. Normally it take 40-50 days in development of the good plants. The materila will be...
  5. A

    Tissue Culture lab..

    DEar All, I am planning to setup a tissue culture lab with medium production capacity. Please can anybody help me out. Regards Amol Pawar
