stevia consulatancy

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    stevia cultivation consultancy with buy back Agreement.

    Stevia- A natural sweetener Stevia(Stevia rebaudiana) commonly known as sweet herb. Stevia is a natural sweetener, calorie free alternate of sugar. The extract of stevia is known as stevioside. The plant is native to (Paraguay) South America. Stevia cultivation is done throughout the world...
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    Stevia Dry Leaves (Honey Leaf) For Sale.

    STEVIA LEAF:- Stevia is one of the most health restoring plants on earth. What whole leaf Stevia does both inside the body and on the skin is incredible. it is a small green plant bearing leaves which have a delicious and refreshing taste that can be 30 times sweeter than sugar...
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    stevia cultivation& supervision consultancy with under buy back agreement

    stevia material available in bulk quantity 1 stevia dry green leaf 2 stevia green powder 3 stevia liquid 4 stevia tablets 5 stevioside 6 stevia plant & seeds Sweet Stevia tissue culture & nersury plant under buy back agreement • Good air circulation is essential for growing stevia...
