
  1. M

    Question Tree Saplings wanted in Thenkulapakkam, Tindivanam, Villupuram District. Tamilnadu

    We are planning to grow native TDEF trees in our 4 acres of land in Thenkulapakkam, Tindivanam, Villupuram district. We are looking for more information on where to get saplings near by? And weather there are any govt/social schemes that provide knowledge and support. Kindly let us know...
  2. S

    For Sale Herbal Plants for cultivation

    We are an ISO 9001:2008, CRISIL, APEDA, Spice Board, NPOP, USDA, QEC-UKAS & SGS Organic Certified organization dealing in promotion of Medicinal Crops, Organic Farming, Processing of organic produce and supply chain development for delivery of quality products to the end consumer. Sunrise group...
  3. M

    For Sale Fruit plants

    We can supply all types of rare fruit plants Please contact
  4. G

    For Sale coconut Seedlings for sale at Nanjil Nursery

    Around 10 varieties of coconut seedlings for sale. Please contact. Nanjil Nursery +919965449862
  5. A

    Sarpagandha seedlings available

    SARPAGANDHA ( Rauvolfia serpentina) seedlings available. Both 1. by seeds and 2. by cuttings. Pls Whatsapp or Call personally on +91 9422085606. Or on
  6. D

    Plants / seedlings******************

  7. R

    Silver Oak, Lemon, Pomegranate, Amla bare rooted saplings wanted

    Bare rooted saplings of Silver Oak, Lemon, Pomegranate, Amla etc., required for bulk qty. Each 1 Lakh for departmental supply. Need competitive rates 0.45ps to 0.60ps price range. We can give even more qty order as per quality and prompt supply. Contact by inbox supply. Thanking you
  8. J

    High Quality Sandalwood Saplings

    HI We have high quality Sandalwood saplings from 12inch size to 2 feet at our nursery near Bellary. Looking for interested buyers. We can supply sandalwood seeds also. Interested Parties may contact me Ashok Kumar J 98802 06093
  9. abonnaplants

    Wanted Rangpur Lime Rootstocks/Seedlings in Bulk

    Hi, I am looking for Rangpur Lime Rootstock/Seedlings in bulk.Please, contact me at
  10. S

    Seasonal Flower Seedlings in Hyderabad

    we are supplying seasonal flower seedlings. more details : Seasonal Flower seedlings || Vegetables seedlings || Fruit Seedlings || Seedlings Suppliers in Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh
  11. N

    Salcia Seedlngs at Lower price available..

    Dear All, We have salacia reticulata seedling at lower price..if anybody require please contact us.. Regards Naveen,
  12. S

    bookings for strawberry and chrysanthemum plants

    I am taking bookings for winterdawn variety of strawberry plants and spray and standard variety of chrysanthemum plants. Please contact for bulk orders , rates etc . You can also check details from my webpage and articles already loaded there. regards seemantini s pathare incarnapune...
  13. educationteam

    M.Murali - Coconut breeding and commercial coconut seedlings - Tuesday June 18, 2013

    You are invited to attend a webinar (live discussion) on Coconut breeding and commercial coconut seedlings with M. Murali of Deejay Farms, Bangalore. To know more details about Murali follow the link below. In this live discussion you will be able to ask...
  14. S

    strawberry seedlings

    still available, can do them in open in red soil anywhere so long as you have few days of cool winter nights for the flowering to set in
  15. S

    available strawberry seedlings from pune

    will take bookings for strawberry seedlings at Rs10 per plant, winter dawn variety. Delivery 10th October. Limited stock this year . Contact through this site seemantini pathare talegaon
  16. S

    strawberry seedlings

    will take bookings for strawberry seedlings at Rs10 per plant, winter dawn variety. Delivery 10th October. Limited stock this year . Contact through this site talegaon
  17. E

    Bibit Durian Bawor , Bhineka Bawor Di Jual ( Durian Bawor Seedlings For Sale )

    CV. Mitra Bibit Menjual Bibit Durian Bawor | Bibit Durian Bhineka Bawor ( Want To Sell : Durian Bawor | Durian Bhineka Bawor Seedlings ) Bibit Durian Bawor | Bibit Durian Bhineka Bawor ( Durian Bawor | Durian Bhineka Bawor Seedlings )
  18. E

    CV. Mitra Bibit Bibit Durian Montong Di Jual ( Durian Montong Seedlings For Sale )

    CV. Mitra Bibit Bibit Durian Montong Di Jual :: Durian Montong Seedlings For Sale ::
  19. P

    Sandalwood Seedlings and Saplilings available

    Hi, We have good quality Sandalwood seedlings and saplings. The seedlings were cultivated with high quality seeds from Bangalore, with proper fertilizers to avoid function infections etc. 1. High Quality Sandal seeds used 2. Properly fertilized with the training from IWST 3. Nursery...
  20. E

    Sell Acacia Mangium Seeds CV. Mitra Bibit

    Acacia Mangium Seed Of Forest Crops Acacia mangium is one types of legumes that grow fast, do not require a high growth requirements and are less affected by soil type.The wood is of economic value because it is a good material for finirand attractive home furnishings such as cabinets, door...
