
  1. A

    Wanted Looking to Buy Netharan Banana Saplings – 5000 Nos (Nanjangud Area)

    I am currently looking to purchase 5000 Netharan Banana Saplings in the Nanjangud area. If you have high-quality saplings available for sale, please get in touch. Requirements: Variety: Netharan Banana Quantity Needed: 5000 saplings Location: Nanjangud, Karnataka If you have the required...
  2. V

    For Sale Rare and imported fruits and medicinal plants saplings

    For Sale: More than 200 varieties of rare and imported fruit tree and around 1000 medicinal plants saplings we sell at lowest price to farmers. Please send us private conversation > tap on our name > Start conversation, by referring this post and specifying your requirements of rare and import...
  3. M

    Question Tree Saplings wanted in Thenkulapakkam, Tindivanam, Villupuram District. Tamilnadu

    We are planning to grow native TDEF trees in our 4 acres of land in Thenkulapakkam, Tindivanam, Villupuram district. We are looking for more information on where to get saplings near by? And weather there are any govt/social schemes that provide knowledge and support. Kindly let us know...
  4. S

    Need Saplings as well hybrid seeds in Bulk

    can you guys advise / suggest or contact me if you can supply commercial packs of seeds as well as saplings for flowers, herbs as well as vegetables. ashish bhaskar +91 9650004154
  5. D

    Plants / seedlings******************

  6. J

    High Quality Sandalwood Saplings

    HI We have high quality Sandalwood saplings from 12inch size to 2 feet at our nursery near Bellary. Looking for interested buyers. We can supply sandalwood seeds also. Interested Parties may contact me Ashok Kumar J 98802 06093
  7. behuriaagrofarm

    Contract Farming : Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

    Those who are interested for medicinal plants cultivation on contract farming basis please contact us at 09776211145 or mail to us at We provide planting materials, technical support and market link for the following plants. We also buy these herbal products. Please visit...
  8. A

    Need Free Tree Saplings at Chennai Ennore

    We would like to plant around 100 saplings inside our Premises at Ennore, on the occasion of World Environment Day. It is a PSU and assured that the trees will be taken well care of. We prefer Shade giving trees, fruit bearing trees and medicinal herbs. We seek your assistance in getting free...
  9. S

    Acid lime cultivation in vidarbha maharashtra

    Hello community members, I have 8 acres of land in katol region of vidarbha, maharashtra. I will be thankful for advice regarding Acid Lime cultivation cultivation on my land, especially with regards to 1. Selection of good quality salpings (where can i buy them and how to identify good...
  10. N

    Nanjil Nursery - Leading Medicinal, Fruitial, Ornamental & Wood Plants Suppliers

    Agriculture Products - Manufacturer, Pvt. Ltd. Firm Since 1994 We are the Leading producers and suppliers of all kinds of Ornamental , House plants, medicinal plants, seasonal plants, Avenue plants, fruit plants and land scape developers in Kanyakumari District. * We have plants of very...
  11. N

    Nanjil Nursery - Leading Fruitial, Ornamental & Wood Plants Suppliers

    Agriculture Products - Manufacturer, Pvt. Ltd. Firm Since 1994 We are the Leading producers and suppliers of all kinds of Ornamental , House plants, medicinal plants, seasonal plants, Avenue plants, fruit plants and land scape developers in Kanyakumari District. * We have plants of very...
  12. N

    Nanjil Nursery - Leading Fruitial, Ornamental & Wood Plants Suppliers

    Agriculture Products - Manufacturer, Pvt. Ltd. Firm Since 1994 We are the Leading producers and suppliers of all kinds of Ornamental , House plants, medicinal plants, seasonal plants, Avenue plants, fruit plants and land scape developers in Kanyakumari District. * We have plants of very...
  13. educationteam

    Satish Kumar- Sandalwood plantation - Thursday Sep 12, 2013

    You are invited to attend a webinar (live discussion) on Sandalwood plantation with Satish Kumar of Parvathi plantation Gowribidanur Taluq, Chickballapur Dist, Karnataka To know more about Satish Kumar follow the link below Parvathi Plantations In this live discussion you will be able to ask...
  14. behuriaagrofarm

    We Supply Curry Leaves Seeds and Saplings For Plantation Purpose

    We supply curry leaves seeds and saplings for plantation purpose. Those who need, please contact us at 09776211145 or mail us at (We also produce all kinds of medicinal and aromatic plant seeds and saplings) Ashutosh Behuria 09776211145 Behuria Agro Farm, Bhubaneswar...
  15. S

    Wanted saplings of the Fruit trees near Salem,Tamil Nadu.

    Hi All, I wanted to plant some fruit trees in our farmland. So looking for the sapling of the fruit trees near Salem, Tamil Nadu. If anyone knows about good nurseries, or any other pointers would be helpful. Thanks in advance for your help. Regards, Prabu Selvarajan
  16. C

    Need Alphonso,imam pas and, banganapalli saplings

    Hi We need Alphonso , imam pas and and banganapalli saplings for high density plantation urgently. -chandramohan
  17. E

    Bibit Durian Bawor , Bhineka Bawor Di Jual ( Durian Bawor Seedlings For Sale )

    CV. Mitra Bibit Menjual Bibit Durian Bawor | Bibit Durian Bhineka Bawor ( Want To Sell : Durian Bawor | Durian Bhineka Bawor Seedlings ) Bibit Durian Bawor | Bibit Durian Bhineka Bawor ( Durian Bawor | Durian Bhineka Bawor Seedlings )
  18. E

    CV. Mitra Bibit Bibit Durian Montong Di Jual ( Durian Montong Seedlings For Sale )

    CV. Mitra Bibit Bibit Durian Montong Di Jual :: Durian Montong Seedlings For Sale ::
  19. M

    Sapplings - amherstia / brownea

    Any one providing sapplings of Brownea, Amherstia in or around Mumbai ?
  20. P

    Sandalwood Seedlings and Saplilings available

    Hi, We have good quality Sandalwood seedlings and saplings. The seedlings were cultivated with high quality seeds from Bangalore, with proper fertilizers to avoid function infections etc. 1. High Quality Sandal seeds used 2. Properly fertilized with the training from IWST 3. Nursery...
