18 Acre paddy touch very fertile land for sale in Sawantwadi, Sindudurg Dt, Maharashtra. Only 10 Kms. from city centre. Road till the property, very fertile, ideal for any crop especially rubber, mango, cashew etc. Resale property only two names in the 7/12. Only three kms. from sawantwadi...
We have premium Agriculture land available in Sindhudurga (sindhudurg ) district of Maharashtra. We have currently two plots of 96 and 200 Acres. You could buy from 10 Acres onwards. The price per Acre is Rs. 1,90,000.
We can also plant and look after your property for an additional payment...
22 Acres Rubber Estate is available for purchase @ vadakkanchery, kerala.
Asking Rate is 18 Lakhs Per Acre. 10 years old & tapping going on..
214 Acre Rubber Estate at Kottayam. Available @35 Lakhs Per Acre
310 Acre Rubber Estate...