rauvolfia serpentina

  1. natureherbs

    RAUVOLFIA SERPENTINA Cultivation [Seeds, Root Cutting & Roots Available]

    An erect, green perennial under shrub, 15-45 cm. (rarely 90cm) high; tap root tuberous, soft, sometimes irregularly nodular; bark pale brown, corky with irregular longitudinal fissures; leaves in whorl of three, large, 7.5-17.5cm × 4.3-6.8 cm., elliptic-lanceolate or obavate, acute or acuminate...
  2. behuriaagrofarm

    We Supply Sarpagandha (Rauvolfia Serpentina) Saplings / Seeds

    We supply sarpagandha (Rauvolfia serpentina) saplings / seeds. Both naked and poly-pack saplings are available. Fresh seeds are also available for plantation purpose. Please feel free to contact us at 09776211145 or mail to us at behuriaagro@yahoo.com Thanking you Ashutosh Behuria...
  3. behuriaagrofarm

    We Supply Sarpagandha (Rauvolfia Serpentina) Saplings / Seeds

    We supply sarpagandha (Rauvolfia serpentina) saplings / seeds. Both naked and poly-pack saplings are available. Fresh seeds are also available for plantation purpose. Please feel free to contact us at 09776211145 or mail to us at behuriaagro@yahoo.com Thanking you Ashutosh Behuria...
  4. behuriaagrofarm

    We Supply Sarpagandha (Rauvolfia Serpentina) Saplings / Seeds

    We supply sarpagandha (Rauvolfia serpentina) saplings / seeds. Both naked and poly-pack saplings are available. Fresh seeds are also available for plantation purpose. Please feel free to contact us at 09776211145 or mail to us at behuriaagro@yahoo.com Thanking you Ashutosh Behuria...
  5. behuriaagrofarm

    need buyers for sarpagandha saplings / seeds

    We supply sarpagandha (Rauvolfia serpentina) saplings / seeds. Both naked and poly-pack saplings are available. Fresh seeds are also available for plantation purpose. Please feel free to contact us at 09776211145 or mail to us at behuriaagro@yahoo.com Thanking you Ashutosh Behuria...
  6. behuriaagrofarm

    We Supply Sarpagandha (Rauvolfia Serpentina) Saplings / Seeds

    We supply sarpagandha (Rauvolfia serpentina) saplings / seeds. Both naked and poly-pack saplings are available. Fresh seeds are also available for plantation purpose. Please feel free to contact us at 09776211145 or mail to us at behuriaagro@yahoo.com Thanking you Ashutosh Behuria...
  7. behuriaagrofarm

    Sarpagandha Saplings are ready to be sold

    We supply sarpagandha (Rauvolfia serpentina) saplings / seeds. Both naked and poly-pack saplings are available. Fresh seeds are also available for plantation purpose. Please feel free to contact us at 09776211145 or mail to us at behuriaagro@yahoo.com Thanking you Ashutosh Behuria...
  8. behuriaagrofarm

    sarpagandha cultivaton

    We supply sarpagandha (Rauvolfia serpentina) saplings / seeds. Both naked and poly-pack saplings are available. Fresh seeds are also available for plantation purpose. Please feel free to contact us at 09776211145 or mail to us at behuriaagro@yahoo.com Thanking you Ashutosh Behuria...
  9. behuriaagrofarm

    sarpagandha cultivation

    We supply sarpagandha (Rauvolfia serpentina) saplings / seeds. Both naked and poly-pack saplings are available. Fresh seeds are also available for plantation purpose. Please feel free to contact us at 09776211145 or mail to us at behuriaagro@yahoo.com Thanking you Ashutosh Behuria...
  10. behuriaagrofarm

    sarpagandha seedlings

    Sarpagandha saplings We supply sarpagandha (Rauvolfia serpentina) saplings / seeds. Both naked and poly-pack saplings are available. Fresh seeds are also available for plantation purpose. Please feel free to contact us at 09776211145 or mail to us at behuriaagro@yahoo.com Thanking you...
