
  1. L

    Guide for polyhouse setup Near Nabha Patiala Punjab

    Anybody here who can guide me for Poyhouse setup in Punjab: 1. Investment 2. Subsidy(Poly House,Planting Material,Irrigation) as per 2015-2016 Policy. 3. Can we claim for subsidy on the leased land? 4. Do Punjab govt. provide subsidy on the planting material and irrigation system? 5...
  2. L

    Guide for polyhouse setup Near Nabha Patiala Punjab

    Anybody here who can guide me for Poyhouse setup in Punjab: 1. Investment 2. Subsidy(Poly House,Planting Material,Irrigation) as per 2015-2016 Policy. 3. Can we claim for subsidy on the leased land? 4. Do Punjab govt. provide subsidy on the planting material and irrigation system? 5...
  3. C

    Olive tree Plantation

    Wish to buy/ take on long term lease, an olive tree plantation in Rajasthan/ Haryana or Punjab. Trees should be more than 5 years old and fruiting. Non fruiting trees can also be looked into.
  4. K

    Guide for polyhouse setup in VPO near Payal. district Ludhiana Punjab

    Anybody here who can guide us for Poyhouse setup in Punjab: 1) Investment 2) Crops 3) Cultivation 4) Marketing 5) Net Projected Profit yearly 6) Setup Process 7) Subcidy 8) Min and max area that can covered for Poyhouse Thank you email- kanwargrewal@gmail.com
  5. B

    We need Marketing Person for Parle Kisan Sewa Kendra

    Dear all, We are stepping towards to Environment friendly Products like Biofertilizers and Organic Products. We are having wide range of products. We need Marketing Persons to sale of our products in various areas like West UP, Chatisghad, Punjab, Haryana and Uttaranchal. So, make hurry to get...
  6. C

    Turmeric Seeds on sale in Punjab for 2012

    We are inviting bookings for a high yielding, 8.4 Carcumin (Colour & pigmentation element), disease resistant, turmeric rhizomes in Punjab for agricultural and retail purposes. Highest quality is assured. Deliveries by Mar-Apr 2012. Also offering buy-back of the entire crop. Technical assistance...
  7. J

    want to setup Ployhouse in punjab

    Greetings! i want to do some small scale investment in the agriculture. I am planning to have a small polyhouse. I want to know that 1. How much minimum land is required to set up polyhouse 2. how much investment i need 3. what is the annual payback 4. how many crops i can do in 1 year 5. is...
  8. J

    popular for sale in punjab

    popular for sale in punjab,, 2.5 acer// contact;
  9. S

    3month Emu Birds for sale

    3month Emu Birds are on sale. Contact - Best Emu and its products suppliers in Punjab.[/url]
  10. T

    Murrah Buffalo from Jind Haryana

    I am selling two (2) pure murrah buffalo brought from Jind, Haryana giving Milk 10-12+++Kg per day One has male calf, one has female calf, The Calfs are 1 and 1-1/2 Month old. Selling Buffalo and calf for 65,000 and 70,000. the buffalos are in Jalandhar Punjab Call or Email me
  11. R

    3 - 6 acre agricultural land for sale in Punjab, INDIA

    3 - 6 acre :P ! Sorry I did not know you charge money for posting for sale ads. I have deleted my post and will post in Quicker that one is free..
  12. S

    Wanted Land Near Ludhiana, Punjab

    We are interested in purchase (with clean title/papers) or lease (atleast 5 years lease) of around 25 acres of land at one location with facilities like water, electricity and near to main road. Interested parties may contact me at sumer.kashyap at gmail dot com or can also contact me on mobile...
