pune agricultural land

  1. S

    Job Required Required agriculture land long term lease near Pune

    Required 5-10 acres of agriculture land on yearly lease. 1) Within 60 km from Pune. 2) At least 5 acres of land is required. 3) Should be leased for at least 5-10 years. 4) There should be facilities of water, light and road. For pure agriculture purposes (no commercial use)
  2. K

    Land Required Agricultural Land with water source and three phase electricity near Pune, Maharashtra

    Hi, I am looking for Agricultural Land with water source and three phase electricity within 70-80km radius from Pune Main City. I need 2 acres to start with and will be expanding later to 5 acres. The range I am looking out for is from 5Lakh/Acre to maximum 10lakh per acre.
  3. K

    Wanted Land around Pune about 3-5 acres for organic farming

    Wanted anout 3-5 acres for organic cultivation of fruits and vegetables. Please let me know if you have or know about good fertile availability
  4. E

    300 acres land parcel at khalapur old mumbai - pune rd just 7 towards khapoli x

    300 Acres Land Parcel at KHALAPUR OLD MUMBAI – PUNE RD JUST 7 TOWARDS KHAPOLI. Location: Village Vavoshi Taluka Khalapur ,Near Uttam Galva Steels. Google Location Link : https://mapsengine.google.com/map/edit?mid=zJaP2h6ouAHg.kI8m3uAiMxdg Total Land: 300 Acres. Dimension of Land...
