project consultancy

  1. ajaisingh

    never sale your land its give you good return.

    any type of land you have in any part of INDIA . once stop for thinking about sale .READY to invest 5-10lakhs or start your business . with in 2-3 years you get surprising income . i m looking land owners or finance partners ready to work with me on profit share. my one time fees RS.50000.then i...
  2. palazhy

    Project consultancy available

    PROJECT CONSULTANCY AVAILABLE FOR STARTING THE FOLLOWING PROJECTS B.RADHAKRISHNAN (PROJECT CONSULTANT) MOBILE. 09846063506,e Modern coir Manufacturing unit EXPORTS / IMPORTS (new Projects) Ayurvedic Medicine Pure Spice Powders Fruit Bars &...
  3. M

    Consultancy for Rose farming and buy back required

    We have about 1000 hectares of fertile land having an average temperature of 15 degrees throughout the year expect for winter when it goes down to 7 degrees. We wish to use this entire land to cultivate exotic rose for exports to Europe. We invite consultants to contact us with a proposal and...
  4. A

    Agriculture Projects Consultancy

    Hello, We are Service Provider for Agriculture Projects in India and Abroad. We provide all types of services related to Agriculture as below: 0) Agricultural marketing support 1) Agricultural marketing development a. Agricultural advisory services and the market b. Market...
  5. H

    Consultancy Required for Coconut based Business

    A reputed Business Group in Chennai requires the services of an experienced consultant to establish a coconut based integrated project near Chennai, Tamilnadu. The consultant shall be responsible for Designing, Planning of the Project, Erection, Testing & commissioning of Plant & Machinery...
  6. G

    Project Report & Government Subsidy related services

    Hi All, we provide consultancy services for establishment of new projects in field of cold storage, cold rooms, ripening chambers, agro processing, fruit juice & Pulp, dairy, poultry and allied activity. Our services include feasibility study, project report preparation, finance arrangement and...
  7. T

    New agriculture project

    We have 4 acre of land in Palakkad,Kerala. Need suitable agriculture projects/reports that would be viable for this area.
  8. E

    agro processing project report

    We provide the turn key consultancy for the Agro-processing industry.We can prepare the dedicated project report for your processing industry. It will consist complete technical details, Financial details, Input sourcing and the marketing. We have a professional team of the subject matter...
  9. E

    project report for agro product

    We provide the turn key consultancy for the Agro-processing industry.We can prepare the dedicated project report for your processing industry. It will consist complete technical details, Financial details, Input sourcing and the marketing. We have a professional team of the subject matter...
  10. E

    agro processing project report

    We provide the turn key consultancy for the Agro-processing industry.We can prepare the dedicated project report for your processing industry. It will consist complete technical details, Financial details, Input sourcing and the marketing. We have a professional team of the subject matter...
  11. E

    Project Report

    Contac us for preparation of project report. We can provide you project report for your planning of inverstment in agriculture sector. We can also make project for your existin project to represent it infront of world. Send us private message for further information..........
  12. S

    Seeking a DPR for Agro-based Project

    Hi, I am new to agriculture farming. Looking for professionals who can prepare bankable detailed project & feasibility report to get subsidies/grants from Govt of India/AP. I would appreciate, if you provide consultancy for getting loans, subsidies and implementation of project on turn-key...
