power weeder

  1. R

    Honda FJ 500 Power Weeder - வாழை,பூ,காய்கறி, பருத்தி,| call : 94886 19521

    HONDA ROTARY TILLER / POWER WEEDER - இன்றைய விவசாயிகளுக்கு தேவையானவற்றில் முக்கியமான ஒன்று - வாழை,பூ,காய்கறி, பருத்தி, ஸபோர்ட,கரும்பு, நெல் மரவளி விவசாயம் செய உகந்த்து. ஹோண்டா பவர் வீடர்: அன்பார்ந்த விவசாயிகளுக்கு, இன்றைய நிலையில் சிறு மற்றும் பெறு விவசாயிகளுக்கும் விவசாயம் செய்ய முடியாத...
  2. S

    Agricultural Machineries

    Southern Agro Engine Private Limted was formed in 1975. In 1996, the company collaborated with Villiers Ltd., UK, SAEPL is the only company in India with Villiers collaboration. SAEPL today manufactures Internal Combustion Engines and its various applications, and other agricultural equipment...
  3. M

    Buy Angad Diesel Hal

    Angad Diesel Hal: the Revolutionary Angad Diesel Hal 6.0; An innovative Gender Friendly Self-Propelled Micro-Mechanization system consisting of a Power-Pack (Diesel Engine) and Peripheral Implements consisting of Plough, Weeder, Sprayer, Irrigation Pump, Seed-Drill, Reaper, Grass & Fodder Cutter...
  4. M

    Dealers / Sub-Dealers / Sales Agent Wanted

    We are the manufacturers of Revolutionary Angad Agricultural and Farm Mechanization Products, and are looking for region-wise Distributors throughout India to market & sell the Products. We are currently offering special terms to assist Distributors who take up this opportunity. Please email...
  5. M

    Angad Diesel Hal 6.0 (A Versatile Mini Tiller)

    Angad Diesel Hal 6.0 Demo Videos | Tiller | Buy Tiller| Tiller India | Mini Tiller | Power Weeder | Diesel Weeder | 15 hp Tractor | Tractor | Tractor India | Angad Diesel Hal 6.0: A versatile machine which can meet all Agricultural Mechanization needs. It can do the following farm...
  6. M

    Mini Tiller cum Rotary Weeder

    Mini Tiller cum Rotary Weeder Golden Harvest-Diesel Mini Tiller/Plough/Rotary Weeder A highly economical, fuel efficient and robust build Mini Tiller cum Rotary Weeder from SAS Motors Limited. Come with Rotavator, Mould Board Plough and Cultivator Attachements. Can be used for land...
  7. M

    Diesel Mini Tiller / Rotary Weeder from SAS Motors Limited

    Golden Harvest-Diesel Mini Tiller/Plough A highly economical and fuel efficient Diesel Mini Tiller/Plough from SAS Motors Limited. Come with Rotavator, Mould Board Plough and Cultivator Attachements. Can be used for land preparation, intercultivation, irrigation and spraying purpose. The...
  8. M

    Diesel Mini Tiller / Power Weeder

    Golden Harvest-Diesel Mini Tiller/Plough A highly economical and fuel efficient Diesel Mini Tiller/Plough from SAS Motors Limited. Come with Rotavator, Mould Board Plough and Cultivator Attachements. Can be used for land preparation, intercultivation, irrigation and spraying purpose. The MRP...
  9. G

    Mini tiller/Cultivator

    We have various models for mini tiller and cultivator. 12-inch till 24-inch. Very heavy duty machine suitable for Sugarcane, Cotton, Flowericulture, Shericulture, kitchen Garden etc. Machine are fitted with Briggs & Stratton engines for the durability. Performance liked by the users/farmers.
  10. M

    For Sale-Golden Harvest GH400 Power Weeder

    Golden Harvest GH400 Power Weeder A 5 hp petrol Power Weeder highly suitable for all kinds of intercultivation operations in Row Crops (i.e., Sugarcane, Cotton etc.), Orchards and Kitchen Gardens. Light weight can be used by women and highly economical. Full product specification is...
