
  1. A

    Wanted Buyers for Onion, Potato and Garlic in Bulk Quantity

    We are into all vegetables supplier, wholesaler and commission agent. Greetings from us. Onion Potato Garlic We are looking for buyers. For more information you can connect via Whatsapp - 09833247014 or Email - azimrazvi@gmail.com. Looking forward to long term business...
  2. A

    All Vegetables Supplier, Wholesaler and Commission Agent

    We are into all vegetables supplier, wholesaler and commission agent. Greetings from us. Onion Potato Garlic For more information you can connect via Whatsapp - 09833247014 or Email - azimrazvi@gmail.com. Looking forward to long term business. Regards, :)
  3. P

    Onion, potato, ginger, small onion

    Dear All, We can able to supply Onion ( Nasik ) Potato ( Bengal, Agra, Gujarat, Kolar ) Small Onion ( Tamilnadu ) Ginger ( Assam, Karnataka) Quality > Price > Timing Delivery > is Assured for more details : parvathyherbs@gmail.com
  4. P

    Potato :: Challenge

  5. S

    need regular buyers for vegetables

    Looking for regular vegetables buyers if any one interested please contact here -debendumitra@gmail.com or via phone 9874656199
  6. N

    40 tons of Maharastra potato available in Bangalore,best price & best Quality

    we have best 40 tons of best quality maharastra potato , Baby potato at best price for immediate sale, to be sold all over Bangalore, Free door step delivery unbelievable price Also 50 tons of Maharashtra onion available for sale in Bangalore at best price than apmc market. mail at ...
  7. U

    Farm management services & integrated farming / turn key basis consultancy

    We are in Farm Management Services with an experience of handling large / Medium / Small scale Farms (10 acres on wards). We provide turn key basis consultancy for open ended fully mechanized farming for large scale farms of corporate houses / Real State Firms. We have expert team for setting...
  8. K

    700 ton potato available for sale in Feb 2014 - Bihar

    Hi, I am promotor of contract farming and growing potato in contract farming. It will be made available for sale in the month of feb 2014. Approx potato will be available of 700 ton and all will be of grad = A potato. I have aligned all these farmers in contract farming way. If any one...
  9. A

    Potato and Onion

    Dear Sir/ Madam Good day! We are Akidhma international private limited from Sri lanka , we are doing Potato and Onion in sri lanka market for last 3 years. Now we are in position to expand our market and looking to have some new suppliers to fill our demands. Currently we are doing the...
  10. X

    Argriculture Food from China

    We supply various argriculture food in big quantity with good prices, mushroom,sunflower seeds,garlic,ginger,onion,beans,potato,taro,carrot,and so on. If you need,please contact:
  11. R

    Fresh Potato & Sweet Potato

    We sell Fresh Potato & Sweet Potato. Yellow & Red Potato Long & Round shape Size: 80gm-200gm Packing: 4-20/kg mesh bag Please contract for more details and price
  12. A

    Effect of organic manure, farmyard manures and biofertilizers on potato

    Hello everyone, I need some help for my thesis on organic potato. so if some one can provide me with some references or documentation regarding organic Potato it will be much appreciated. here is the Topic i need help on." Effect of organic manure, farmyard manures and biofertilizers on potato"...
  13. D

    Require contract farming units

    Hello, We are looking for contract farmers all over India for plantation of potato crop. The amount of potato crop we require for our unit is about 50,000 tonnes annually. Interested parties can get in touch with me using below mention e-mail id. Thank You Dippul
  14. G

    Potato Seed

    Hi: Looking for 10T of Pukhraj and 10T of Lavkar. Suppliers please contact with availability and price per ton. Suppliers / Dealers near to Hyderabad preferred. Delivery to be given at 70 Kms from Hyderabad. Thanks Augustine R.
  15. A

    Organic vegetables

    We are a group of farmers based Uttarakhand growing vegetables like tomato, brocculi, capcicum, cucumber under 100% organic methods, the supplies are expected from mid-may. Anybody interested in bulk buy of organically produced vegetables may contact to
  16. E

    We have Potato for sale

    We can provide a potato's, interested people please contact us
  17. bharatbook

    Report on 2009 World Market Forecasts for Imported Potato Flour and Meal

    This report was created for strategic planners, international marketing executives and export managers whose primary concern is the world market for potato flour and meal. With the globalization of this market, managers can no longer be contented with a local view. Nor can managers be...
