Dear Sir,
We would be glad to serve you with our quality products. Now We would be able to offer Himalaya most popular products Morel Mushrooms.
The Morchella Esculenta (Guchi) is a wild morels mushroom which grows in deep Himalayan forests (Upper Himachal Region) .Morschella, the...
We have capacity of supplying oyster p. Florida dried and fresh on regular basis.
If interested may feel free to call :-
Shreshthamushrooms @7081957240
I need a mushroom spawn in chennai ocated in OMR for testing pupose. Please help me out for 200 gms of mushroom spawn.
Mobile: 7373112980
We have recently ventured into import of Dry Oyster Mushroom of superior quality in India. And we have already tapped a huge market both in India and overseas. We have all the five varieties of Dry oyster mushroom. Color is both White and brown. Anyone, interested in getting...
We have recently ventured into import of Dry Oyster Mushroom of superior quality in India. And we have already tapped a huge market both in India and overseas. We have all the five varieties of Dry oyster mushroom. Color is both White and brown. Anyone, interested in getting further...
We have Mushroom spawns (seeds) available for the following varieties of oyster and milky at very low cost
1. PF - the White oyster Mushroom
2. CO2 - Grey Oyster
3. APK1 - Pink Oyster
1. APK2
2. CO3
hiii frnds,
my name is DEV, i want fresh oyster mushrooms on daily basis in bulk.If anyone is cultivating oyster mushrooms pls contact me .
We supply mushrooms and vermicompost at reasonable price from Sira, Karnataka, India. We are also looking for dealers from Tumkur to purchase vermi compost in bulk.
I am having a mushroom production unit serving local market in and around kolkata. now I am planning to start producing for export market. what variety I should start. if any party(exporter) interested in buying can write to me . year long agreement is also possible by fixing rates and...
Hi I am looking at growing mushrooms..... to start with 1000 kg per day either in Punjab or Himachal............ Just wondering what would be the best way and which way I could market my mushrooms...........trying to study the market...
Hi i am interested to know about Mushroom Cultivation, Mushroom Technology, Marketing in India and Abroad, Buyers......... I am planning to setup a mushroom growing plant in Himachal or Punjab.....
We are engaged in supplying all the materials required for mushroom cultivation... We are professional in our practise
Such as
1. Pure culture
2.Mother spawn
3,Bed spawn
4.Mushroom seed
6.Casing soil
7.Machineries for mushroom
a.Laminar air flow chamber...