missed call motor on off

  1. S

    Mobile Operated Pump Starter - Mecin MPS - New Product Launched - Finding Distributor

    Hello, We have just launched our new product Mecin - MPS. Mobile Pump Starter with all new and modified features. We have accommodate it with Free Mode inbuilt. Which gives the user liberty to operate the unit freely with minimum balance in the Device. It is free Missedcall to Missedcall...
  2. mobitech_irriauto

    New-remote controller for pump set

    REMOTE CONTROLLER FOR PUMP SET Mobile Starter is a micro-controller powered device to control & monitor pump set from any part of world. What are the advantages to farmers? 1. No need to travel every time to switch on and off the pump set 2. Just a "Missed call" makes a motor on and...
