medicinal plant farming

  1. M

    Required Interested in contract farming of of medicinal plants in south Gujarat

    I am interested in buy back method. If anyone is already into this type of program in south Gujarat region please let me know what is the minimum land required and other details. I am interested in cultivation of medicinal plants. Please contact and share the details. Thanks
  2. S


    INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED AGRICULTUE SKILL DEVELOMENT, Jaipur is organizing 2 (Two) days training program on cultivation of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants (Stevia, Moringa, Safed Musali, Aloevera, Kali Haldi, Shatavari, Chia, Lemongrass, Giloy etc). This Training Program is in the fourth...
  3. E

    Medecinal plant cultivation & cunsultancy

    We provide service for medicinal plantation on turn key basis. We will do all the activity and hand over you the key of your farm with complete plantation. We will use the best best agricultural practices to develop your farm on turn key basis. What ever the crop you want to cultivate you can...
  4. H

    Medicinal cultivation

    We provide knowledge and technology for the medicinal and aromatic plants cultivation..... we can help you from cultivation to the marketing in the form of Buy-Back
  5. A

    Collaboration invited for Corporate farming

    I am ready to develop and invest 75 acre land near Katni (Madhya Pradesh) for any biological raw material. I seek long term collaboration and / or ideas from interested people. Ajay Sharma
