low cost farming

  1. S

    Land Required Low cost agriculture land required near Hyderabad

    Interested to buy 5-10 acre low cost 2-3lac per acre land near Hyderabad Telangana (70-100 km)
  2. D

    For Sale Lowest cost highest quality Organic manure

    We manufacture high quality, very low cost Organic manure. For all crops cost of our manure for one application is only Rs. 36 for one acre. To be applied (sprayed) once in 10/15 days. We can supply any quantity. Contact me. Chennai.
  3. vriksha

    Advertising consultancy for organic farming and gardening

    Dear Friends: Greetings! I am an organic farming consultant and have been using the 1,000 year old Indian system of VRIKSHAYURVEDA to convert farms, gardens, orchards and plantations from conventional, chemical production to organic production in a few months' time for the past few years. Mango...
