hf cows

  1. M

    HF Cows Very Good Quality for sale Maharashtra Karnataka Border

    Number of HF cows : 25 Milking Capacity (Liters/Day) : 230-250 liters/day Total for 25 cows Cow Age : first and second lactation Diary equipments for sale Below mentioned dairy equipments for sale. Used for only 1.5 year, in very good condition. Chaffcutter D-laval milking machine Double...
  2. V

    Wanted High Milk Yield HF Pure/Cross Cows

    Wanted High Milk Yield HF Pure/Cross Cows for our Dairy Farm in Krishnagiri. contact: +91 9944855627, +91 8056264087
  3. M

    100+ Hf Cows required

    Hi, we are starting a dairy farm near Pune. we are looking for pure and cross breed hf cows. Suppliers please contact. Rgds, Mahalaxmi Dairy Farms
  4. A

    Wanted HF cows

    Hi My name is Anjaneyulu, we are starting a dairy farm near Vijayawada, Andhrapradesh. Initally we are going with 200 HF cows. Can any one please let me know where can I purchase the livestock and if possible please give me the contact details of dairy farms in Karnataka and Tamilnadu region.
  5. N

    High Yeilding Jersy cross breed Cows for sale at Hyderabad

    We have Good yeilding jersy cross-breed cows for sale at hyderabad milking capacity:5-8lit per time cost of cow: 35k-39k with regards nageshwar
  6. N

    High Yeilding Jersy cross breed Cows for sale at Hyderabad

    We have Good yeilding jersy cross-breed cows for sale at hyderabad milking capacity:6-8lit cost of cow: 35k-39k with regards nageshwar
  7. R

    Looking for High Yield HF and Jersey Cows

    We are looking for 25 High yield HF and Jersey cows for our dairy farm in Shimoga. Min yield should be atleast 20lts for HF. please contact me ) Currently we house 16 cows and we want to expand.
  8. R

    Looking for High Yield HF and Jersey Cows

    We are looking for 25 High yield HF and Jersey cows for our dairy farm in Shimoga. Min yield should be atleast 20lts for HF. please contact me at netkraft at hotmail dot com) Currently we house 16 cows and we want to expand.
  9. U

    Needs 200 hf cows in haryana

    We needs about 200 HF cows/Hefer for our Dairy Farm situated in Haryana. Any one interested to supply may contact us
  10. R

    Income from dairy farm is taxable?

    We are in the process of setting up dairy farm in karnataka with min 20 cows. Our initial plan is to sell the milk directly to KMF. 1. Do we need to register a pvt ltd company to start dairy farm? 2. Income from dairy farm is taxable? 3. Do we need to take any permission from state or...
  11. T

    HF Cross Breed Cows for Sale

    We have beautiful 7 cross breed HF cows with different stage of lactations and one Heifer Jersey + Sahiwal for sale. We also have 2 high yielding Murrah Buffaloes for sale. Our farm is near Hubli, Please visit.
