herbal exports

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    HBM - 196th Herbal Business Meet - Natham – A Hub for Wild Collection of Herbals

    Dear Herbarians, While cultivation of Herbals is yet to get into shape, wild collection takes predominant role in supply of Herbals to drug manufacturing firm as well as to Export. Natham located in Dindigul District of Tamilnadu, India - is a hub for wild collection providing various types...
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    To Persons looking for Best Opportunity Dear Sir/Madam, Vision- "MORINGA INDIA" - Herbal Study Tour (HST) - FOCUS –PRODUCTION OF ORGANIC MORINGA LEAVES We,in TACED have been seeing the vibrancy of MORINGA leaves,world wide. Thanks to its multidimensional application based on its...
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    HBM- 169 th Meet- Immediate Need for promoting Herbal Collection Center 28-03-2017-Fo

    Dear Herbarian, I can buy anything in a city,but not herbals For getting fresh herbals one has to travel to rural villages . Yes, Globally ,the demand for Herbals is on constantly increase . But unfortunately there is no much efforts taken for production of Herbals on various obvious...
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    HBM- 149 th Meet-BUSINESS SCOPE FOR FRESH HERBALS-24-05-2016- 4th Tuesday

    Dear Herbaian, The major issue in herbal medicine is the availability of herbals.Though the herbs are available in the wild,it has to be sourced in right time and supplied in proper way.The traditional healers , drug manufacturing firms are facing multiple issues in sourcing herbals. As...
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    148 th-HBM - Herbal Business Meet-HERBAL- POST HARVEST MANAGEMENT

    HBM- 148th Meet-HERBAL- POST HARVEST MANAGEMENT-10-05-2016- 2nd Tuesday To: Dear Herbaian, Among Various Aspects, post harvesting place a significant role in herbal business. It applies both in wide collection and cultivated stuff. In many herbal crops, if it is not adhered that will...
