help wanted

  1. K

    Farm labour and Manager wanted for exotic cultivation

    hi i am looking to cultivate exotic vegetables 10kms from manesar on the jaipur highway. since i am from business background i will need someone to completely manage it for me. interested parties can contact me anyone who can suggest other ways of getting skilled labour can also pls suggest me...
  2. M

    need wheat in large quantity from madhya pradesh only

    hi, i would like to have wheat 200 tons/month, from madhya pradesh state. i am from andhrapradesh, is there any TAX ,have to pay for this?give me price also any one help me ...... thanking you
  3. U

    Need Help ...

    We are seeking help (an individual or small family) to look after a small piece of land + organic farm located about 50 kilometres from Bangalore in Krishnagiri district of Tamil Nadu. Will involve day to day activity on the land, vegetable garden, crop area (groundnut, pulses, ragi, etc) and...
