guar gum cultivation

  1. G

    Available Guar Gum Seed Cultivation Consultancy,

    Guar has emerged a profitable crop for the rainfed area. This is a low investment crop. We provide consultancy for the guar gum crop cultivation. Guar is a major crop of north western India; India produce maximum guar of the world, Pakistan stands second for the same. The guar seed is final farm...
  2. G

    Advertising Guar gum production, guar gum export and current price trend.

    Guar gum production, guar gum export and current price trend. #ग्वार #ग्वारगम #guar #guargum #guargumbhav, #guargumnews #guarexport #guargumexport , #guargumdemand...
  3. G

    Advertising क्या ग्वार व ग्वारगम के भावों में बीएसई पर &#2

    क्या ग्वार व ग्वारगम के भावों में बीएसई पर ग्वार के वायदा व्यापार की मंजूरी से तेज़ी आएगी ? पूरा लेख पढ़ने के लिए नीचे दी हुयी लिंक को क्लिक करें व लेख पढे।। #ग्वार #ग्वारगम #guar #guargum #guargumbhav, #guargumnews #guarexport...
  4. G

    क्या ग्वार व ग्वारगम के भावों में बीएसई पर &#2

    क्या ग्वार व ग्वारगम के भावों में बीएसई पर ग्वार के वायदा व्यापार की मंजूरी से तेज़ी आएगी ? पूरा लेख पढ़ने के लिए नीचे दी हुयी लिंक को क्लिक करें व लेख पढे।। #ग्वार #ग्वारगम #guar #guargum #guargumbhav, #guargumnews #guarexport...
  5. G

    क्या ग्वार व ग्वारगम के भावों में बीएसई पर &#2

    क्या ग्वार व ग्वारगम के भावों में बीएसई पर ग्वार के वायदा व्यापार की मंजूरी से तेज़ी आएगी ? पूरा लेख पढ़ने के लिए नीचे दी हुयी लिंक को क्लिक करें व लेख पढे।। #ग्वार #ग्वारगम #guar #guargum #guargumbhav, #guargumnews #guarexport...
  6. G

    Guar gum seed cultivation consultancy

    Guar is an arid crop grown in western part of India. Botanically Guar is known as Cyamopsis tetragonoloba. The western part of India is arid area and rainfall in this area is also very low. Guar crop is grown here for centuries. Guar seed is processed into Guar gum powder, which is used in many...
  7. G

    Guar and guar gum price are strong and stable in local market. Future contracts are

    As per arrival of Guar seed is concerned most of Guar seed from farmers has arrived in the market from this year production. Most of the farmers are small and marginal, they don’t have holding power for more than 1 - 2 months. Currently, stock Guar seed is lying with small traders and stockist...
  8. G

    Guar guar gum price remained stable in local markets but trimmed in forward contracts

    Guar and guar gum price remained stable in local markets but trimmed in forward contracts Guar seed and guar gum price were under pressure of profit booking in forward market. Investors trimmed upper positions for their future contracts. Local markets are stable and strong. Local demand of guar...
  9. G

    Guar price and guar gum price are getting support from Crude oil prices

    Guar price and Guar gum price are strong as arrival of Guar is poor local markets and processing units are in buying trends. Prices of guar and gaur gum are strong and stable since last two- three days. Arrival of Guar has been dropped to 17,000-18000 bags per day in local markets. gaur gum...
  10. G

    Vermicompost Production Consultancy

    Vermicompost Production Consultancy We provide solution of Vermicompost production. The crop residual and dairy animal and other waste Farm produce can be converted into the highly nutritive organic manure with help of earth worms. The factory synthesized chemical fertilizers are hazardous for...
  11. G

    Guar Gum Cultivation Consultancy

    Guar has emerged a profitable crop for the rainfed area. This is a low investment crop. We provide consultancy for the guar crop cultivation. Guar is a major crop of north western India; India produce maximum guar of the world, Pakistan stands second for the same. The guar seed is final farm...
  12. G

    Guar and guar gum price remained stable in local markets but trimmed in NCDEX

    Good quality ofguar seedis traded at Rs 4600/100Kg and average qualityguar seedis traded at Rs 4400/100 Kg. Standard qualityguar gumis traded at Rs 10000/100 kg. In interior locationguaris traded up to 4200/100 Kg.guar seedis being traded weak in future market. AtNCDEX(National Commodity &...
  13. G

    Guar and Guar gum remained strong with demand from factories.

    Yesterday forward business of Guar seed and Guar gum was closed due to upper circuit in NCDEX. Future contract of Guar and Guar gum for February months was closed at Rs 9587/100Kg and Rs 4410/100Kg. During las month NCDEX guar price and NCDEX guar gum price are quoted lower than physical market...
  14. G

    Guar gum export demand will continue but upward price movement will depend on supply

    Price of crude oil is increasing day by day. By the next month out put of crude oil will reach 12 Million (1.2 crore barrel per day. As per another estimate this production will increase up to 18 million barrels per day by 2019. It seems that crude oil exploration and drilling will continue...
  15. G

    Guar seed cultivation area will be replaced by other crop, it will shrink drastically

    This year Guar cultivation area is shrinking drastically. Farmers are avoiding Guar crop after two year long downfall in guar seed. Farmers are more focused on other kharif crops than guar crop. In rain fed area of Rajasthan farmers are preferring Moong and Moth. In irrigated area of Gnaganagar...
  16. G

    64,000 MT of Guar gum seed will required for Kharif sowing in India

    Last year total Guar cultivation area in India was 55,81,216 Hectare . It is expected that due to Good price of Pulses and other commodity there will be 30% drop in Guar cultivation area. If we deduct this 30% area from last year Guar seed cultivation area then it is expected that there will...
  17. G

    Estimated total Guar Seed production in India during Year 2015-2016

    Estimated total Guar Seed production in India during Year 2015-2016 Guar is an important Industrial agriculture farm produce. India produce more than 85 % of world guar seed production. As per data received from collected stated Govt , the estimated guar seed production is 27,51,423 MT and...
  18. G

    Estimate of Guar gum seed production from Gujarat (India) in India 2015-2016

    Estimate of Guar gum seed production from Gujarat (India) in India 2015-2016 Guar gum seed has emerged as major agriculture farm produce exported from India during last four five years. Guar gum seed is cultivated in India since centuries. It is a drought resistant crop. Traditionally Guar is...
  19. G

    Guar Gum (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) or guar seed Cultivation Consultancy

    Guar Gum (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) or guar seed Cultivation Consultancy Guar Gum (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) or guar seed is emerging as major industrial crop. Guar gum powder is manufactured from guar seed. Guar gum powder has wide application in different industries. Major demand of Guar gum...
  20. G

    Large scale commercial Guar Gum Cultivation Consultancy

    Large scale commercial Guar Gum Cultivation Consultancy Guar is emerging and highly preferred agriculture commodity. The demand from the oil and natural gas industry is increasing day by day. The powder of guar seed known as guar gum is used in franking process. India is the major producer of...
