greenhouse planning

  1. M

    Green House construction in less cost

    Hello, We are planing to start greeen house cultivation in 2 acra. I am in confusion wether i can go for GE pipe structure or wood strcture. i have heared and few of consultancies are doing WOORD type polyhouse house withing small budget.. if any one has some kind of contacts let me know...
  2. L

    Wireless Temperature and Humidity sensors designed for Greenhouses

    Maintaining a stable temperature and humidity level inside a greenhouse is essential to the health of a greenhouse. NHR's wireless ZigBee temperature and humidity sensor relieves the greenhouse owner of the stress and frustration of being wired. The STH-03ZB allows the greenhouse owner to...
  3. 2

    Cost Evaluation of Setting Up Green House

    Gentlemen, I am in a process of setting up my business plan for setting up Hydroponics Business. I need to know 1. Cost of setting up Green House on 1 Acre of Land. 2. What different type of Green Houses are there ? 3. Does anyone has any working model of Hydroponics in India? Any...
