farm land near bangalore

  1. N

    2.63 Acre at Berigai at tar road with abundant water 49Km koramangala

    Beautiful farm land on the canal banks of Bhargava Lakshmi narasimha swamy temple. Fertile soil Attached to Tar road Abundant water available, one can check water in the canal & well. Equidistant to Berigai- shoolagiri highway & berigai krishnagiri highway. Pristine rich soil suitable for...
  2. shajathali

    Farm land near Hosur Bangalore

    Rich red soil farm land in Denkanikottai 8 acrs price 9.5 lac per acr around 10 kms from Denkanikottai. Bangalore may be around 50 kms. Rich soil sound water good road suitable for all type. Call for more details Shajathali We Care Realtors 9698816786 9943508414
  3. shajathali

    Thanks for giving business

    Thanks to this forum for giving me another business. MrSanjay dass working in Oracle, bangalore contacted after seeing my add in your forum. He got 5.67 acrs at a price of 5 lac per acr around 105 kms from JP nagar Thanks again Shajathali WE Care Realtors 9698816786...
  4. shajathali

    Farm land near Hosur Bangalore

    Hi We have farm lands in Denkanikotta and Thally. Upto 100 kms from bangalore. Rich red soil. Good road approach. Clear title. Sound under ground water. Purposes of general farming. Farm houses. Green houses. Goat farm. Dairy unit. Forestry. Horticulture. Flouriculture etc., CAll...
  5. shajathali

    Farm land near Hosur Bangalore

    Two acrs on road red soil plain land Denkanikottai 7 kms. Price 12 lac per acr negotiable. Suitable for farm house Call for more details Shajathali We Care Realtors 9943508414 9698816786
  6. shajathali

    Farm land near Hosur Bangalore

    Two acrs on Road near Thally, Bangalore. Two bore well with electricity. PRice 23 lac per acr suitable for farm house Call for more details. Shajathali We Care Realtors 9698816786 9943508414
  7. shajathali

    Farm land near Hosur Bangalore

    3.6 acrs 15 kms from Denkanikottai. Open well free EB 15 coconut trees rich water Price. 15 lac per acr Shajathali 9943508414 9698816786
  8. shajathali

    Farm land near Hosur Bangalore

    2 acrs rich red soil proper road approach 17 km denkanikottai price 7 lac per acr
  9. shajathali

    Fertile Land 6 lac per acr

    Fertile land 3 acrs 100 km Bangalore in Tamil nadu kanakapura border 6 lac per acr rich red soil tar road sound under ground water 9943508414 9697816786
  10. E

    Alphonso breed mango garden for sale at chintamani near to Bangalore in kolar dist.

    Tress are export quality. Trees are four years old -red soil. -fertile soil. -good water table available. -good road acesss... -pleasant climate. -extent five acres -520000 per acre. For more information please contact us Eswar 09966999193.
  11. V

    100+ Red soil Agri-land for sale near sira,karnataka.

    100 acres Red soil Agriculture land near sira 120 km from Bangalore,ready with bore wells,cultivated red soil with good water belt,good approach road,electric poles already exists in land for service.offer price is 2.5 lacs/acre,Negotiable.
  12. R

    Looking for 4-5 acres of Farm land in and around Bangalore.

    Hi, I am looking for Farm land of 4-5 acres in and around Bangalore. Payment will be full cash in one short. Preferred locations are Doddaballapur and near Nandi hills. I am open for other locations as well. Thanks
