Dear Agriculture Enthusiast,
We a Group of friends are starting Palmarosa grass Cultivation in 30 acres with Oil Extraction Unit Near Hyderabad. After interacting with many farmers who are cultivating Aroma & Medicinal grasses, We came to know that it was the safest farming for new comers. By...
i need Beeswax, Bee Pollen, Organic Honey, Essential Oils and Virgin Coconut Oil. Kindly mail me the price including shipping cost to
We are the quality producer of Cold Pressed Oils from all oil seeds and kernels. For more details, please download our catalog.
Very best regards,
Waqas Ahmad Awan
Quality Brands
Kindly provide information on growing Aromatic plants for extracting perfume and essential oils. What project reports are available? What is the cost involved and returns expected?
We have a 750 kg S.S. distillation unit for sale.. we were using this unit for lemon grass oil distillation.... the unit is 8 months old. if anybody is interested then please contact me at the no's given below....