emu bird farm

  1. Y

    Question Emu bird price

    Sir I am yoga from chennai , i want the price of the emu birdand where is u r farm. Regard's : yoga
  2. D

    Needed Nabard Details for EMU farm

    Hello Everyone, We are ready to start to a new farm in vijayawada. For that we applied loan in Andhra bank, They had suggested us to contact Nabard so we met our near Nabard officer. He says that as per Nabard rules they will provide loan only for 3 months old chicks. But we had already given...
  3. D

    EMU Bird Farming

    Hi Everyone. Emu farming is rapidly growing business now a days but the market for this bird products are growing even faster. So those who want to start a new farm just contact us for purchasing birds or eggs. We are having all age groups of birds starting from 3 months old to 8 year old and...
  4. V

    24 Months Aged EMU birds for SALE

    Dear All, Greetings from Jegan Suresh. I am from Tirupattur, Vellore District in Tamil Nadu. I have 2 pairs of EMU birds that are 24 months aged. I am going to sell those birds immediately, since we are going to migrate to Chennai. If any one is willing to buy...
  5. F

    Emu Bird farminf,Professional Consultancy from FLAMINGO INDIA,R & D Centre.

    Dear Farmers & Land Owners, We Advice you to start EMU Bird Farming,which is deffinately a very High Income Project proved from last 12 years record.We also advice you to start the same with proper knowledge & Training as Emu farming is easy but you has to get 100% professional knowledge &...
  6. R

    EMU birds marketting

    Hi all, Can you give information regarding EMU birds marketting. Rajesh
