drip irrigation

  1. Z

    sell G Type Ground Inserted 90°Refractive Sprinkler

    Item Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Caliber 0.8mm 1mm 1.2mm 1.4mm Working pressure KPA 150/200/250/300 150/200/250/300 150/200/250/300 150/200/250/300 Flow rate (L/H) 22/26/29/31 35/40/45/49 50/58/65/71 69/79/89/97 On ground radius (m) 1.8/1.8/1.8/2 2/2/2/2.3...
  2. R

    Micro Irrigation System Market in India by Type, Potential and Trends Research Report

    India Micro Irrigation System Market is expected to reach INR 205 billion by FY’2018 • Future growth of India Micro Irrigation System Market is expected to be led by augmenting level of population, growing food demand coupled with the declining resources such as water and power • The market...
  3. S

    Drip Irrigation facility - To buy and installation

    I wanted to buy complete Drip Irrigation system for 1 acre land to do the vegetable cultivation and to install the drip irrigation to the cocunut tree. Please advise who is the complete system provider . Need to install in Calicut district. Regards, Satheesh Nair satheeshuae@gmail.com
  4. educationteam

    Sudhir Zala - Micro Irrigation system - Wednesday Sep 4, 2013

    You are invited to attend a webinar (live discussion) on Micro Irrigation System-- Drip and Sprinkle Irrigation System with Sudhir Zala of Somnath Irrigation To know more about Sudhir Zala follow the link below Kesar Mangoes - Kesar Mangoes Pulp Exporter,Kesar Mangoes Supplier India,Kesar...
  5. mobitech_irriauto

    Drip irrigation valve controller-gsm

    DRIP IRRIGATION VALVE CONTROLLER-GSM It is a device to control and monitor drip irrigation valves and pump set. Features: Switch On and Off 20 valves and pump set through cell phone Set the On and Off time of valve through cell phone Get alert SMS if Valve On Valve Off Pumpset On...
  6. H

    Advice to have intercrops in mango garden

    We have a mango garden(partnership with an uncle). The garden is about 8 acres in Chittoor District, near V Kota which is close to Karnataka. We have our own well and around 1 acre of empty land which we gave our care taker for free to use for some farming for his income. We have recently even...
  7. B

    Masterbatches for agricultural/irrigation plastics

    We are manufacturer of plastic masterbatches required for irrigain pipes,drip irrigation pipes,mulching films etc if anybody intrested pl contact. plastochemindia@yahoo.co.in 09890655644
  8. mobitech_irriauto

    Drip irrigation valve controller-gsm

    MOBILE STARTER(CELL PHONE MOTOR STARTER) DRIP IRRIGATION VALVE CONTROLLER MOBILE MOTOR STARTER CONTROLLER 1. It will let you know through SMS if, i. Electricity resumes ii. Electricity fails iii. Phase fail iv. Low voltage v. Phase imbalance vi. Motor manually on/off...
  9. E

    Advice on Drip Irrigation System

    hello all, I am from Hyderabad and am having a 5 acre land in which 0.5 acre is utilized for construction of shed and worker quarters and remaining for agriculture. due to power shortage , i am not able to water the crop as before with the existing bore which is 3 inch, and the yield has...
  10. A

    Best Quality World Famous Rainguns

    World Class Italian Raingun Vedant Raingun Half to one Acre Sprinkling - from one position. Saves water, time & labour for Irrigation by -more than double. Highly energy efficient - saves on -power & pumping cost. Clean and cool leaves-improves plant health with -saving on pesticides...
  11. I

    Guidance needed for Drip Irrigation System

    Hi, I have a water facility in my land where i am going to make a farm house. But i have to do the setup of Drip Irrigation Water system. I didn't do the water yield test while putting Bore. SO if anyone can guide me like which motor will be fit and Drip irrigation how and type of...
  12. B

    require drip irrigation system

    Dear Sir, I need drip irrigation system for 2.3 acre of banana plantation and 2.4 acres of Tomato plantation of having 6ft and 3 ft lateral running respectively. My farm is located at Hosur. I sokicit proposal from reputrd manufactures for the same. Thanks Bijay.
  13. G

    Low Cost Drip Irrigation Solutions

    Dear All, We promote & Provide Low Cost Drip Irrigation System. Global Easy Water Products Pvt. Ltd. (GEWP) established in 2004 is a for profit company registered under Indian Companies Act 1956. GEWP is the exclusive authorised supplier and distributor of the KB (Krishak Bandhu) brand of “LOW...
  14. V

    Prof Raanan Katzir from Israel Visiting India

    The Institute of Simplified Hydroponics Bangalore is pleased to inform the arrival of world renowned Prof Raanan Katzir from Israel to India between 01st Dec to 20th Dec 2009. Prof Raanan Katzir will deliver presentations and also be available for one-to-one consultancy for those interested...
