crop cultivation

  1. parameshwar_h

    Crop irrigation estimation tool

    Dear farm friends, I have seen many farmers struggling to know the water requirement for different crops in different geographical conditions, under varied soil type with many irrigation techniques. Many times we may over irrigate or under irrigate, however we need to know the water...
  2. S

    Black soil crop or green chilli cultivation

    How to farm green chilli in deep black soil (clay soil). Our farm does not have proper drainage system and is it possible to grow chilli ? Currently cultivating Paddy and any other suggestions from members or consultants ?
  3. A

    Major TOP 5 issues of Indian Farmer

    Dear All, As you all know many of us ( Farmers) bounded and surrounded by numerous day to day farming issues for which we unable to find proper solution. Either it may pest prob or it may be of duplicate seeds & pesticides. Please list out your TOP 5 problems to be addressed. Thanks Andd
  4. A

    Major TOP 5 burning issues of Indian Farmer

    Dear All, As you all know many of us ( Farmers) bounded and surrounded by numerous day to day farming issues for which we unable to find proper solution. Either it may pest prob or it may be of duplicate seeds & pesticides. Please list out your TOP 5 problems to be addressed. Thanks Andd
  5. P

    High Profit Contract Farming offer

    I wish to introduce to you, our contract farming services at our 30 acre farm in Dantiwada, North Gujarat. The winning features of this farm are:- 1- Extremely fertile land with continuous supply of water (Dantiwada dam is only 3 kms away) 2- Fully mechanized farm with over 700...
