country chicken

  1. N

    Organic Eggs/Poultry

    Raise food as done by mother nature No coops, No sheds, No boundaries Born free and they live free Mud baths Satiated and satisfied chickens Organic feed = Organic chicken and eggs Hormone free and antibiotic free diet ​Fed on available greens, bugs, maize, soya and nut derivatives Only pure...
  2. ssbaskar1980

    country chicks, turkey chicks, Giriraja chicks, Fighter cocks for sale

    Dear Viewers, We do supply country chicks A day old country chicks ( with one vaccine)- 30 Rs 15 days old with all vaccination cycle and hardening- 45 Rs A day old giriraja chicks ( with vaccine)- 20 Rs 15 days old with all vaccination cycle and hardening- 40 Rs A day old Turkey...
  3. R

    I need ORIGINAL country chicken

    I need ORIGINAL country chicken to start a new farm in Madurai. Please send your rates. I NEED ORIGINAL, NOT SOME CROSS BREEDS, THANKS.
  4. ssbaskar1980

    Country chicks, Turkey chicks, Giriraja chicks for sale

    Dear Customers, We are the suppliers of pure country chicks to all over india. we do supply one day and 15 days old with all vaccinations. please let me know your orders please 1 day old pure country chicks- 33 Rs 15 days old with all vaccination- 48Rs 1 day old giriraja - 20Rs 15...
  5. A

    Kadaknath Chicken for SALE

    For Black meat Kadaknath Chicks please contact us at 9943330061 PIONEERS IN ORIGINAL KADAKNATH CHICKEN We will deliver it at your railway junction Retail orders undertaken Lowest Price guaranteed!!! Chick life insured in transport and afer delivery till 48 hours or money...
  6. A

    Why Aseel chicken is over priced?

    Hi all, Every time I ask an Aseel chicken hobbyist about the price of a aseel chick or chicken, I gasp on hearing the price. What is the reason for high priced aseels other than they go and win fights. My latest info on aseel chicks... 2 month aseel chick cost-Rs.750 1 year...
  7. A

    Do you want a small scale Profitable Pure Country Chicken farm?

    I have been guiding and helping people growing pure country chickens. Please post your requests in this thread and get your questions answered. I had the most stupid questions at my early days. So dont feel shy.... post any questions.
  8. A

    Seeking investors for Integrated animal farming

    I am looking investors for Rabbit, Goat and country chicken farming in partnership basis. I have 13 acres of leased land in Adalur hills , nearby kodaikanal hills, suitable for animal farming with organic feeds from our own land. If interested pls. contact me.
  9. A

    Goat and Country chiken farming

    I am looking investors for goat and country chicken farming in partnership basis. I have 13 acres of leased land nearby kodaikanal hills, suitable for animal farming with organic feeds. If interested pls. contact me.
  10. A

    Seeking investors for goat and country chicken farming

    I am looking investors for goat and country chicken farming in partnership basis. I have 13 acres of leased land nearby kodaikanal hills, suitable for animal farming with organic feeds. If interested pls. contact me.
  11. J

    Country Chicken

    I am looking for buyers of Country Chicken. Righ now have a capacityof production of 500 per month Satpuda variety Country birds. Also have weekly production of 100 country eggs.
  12. S

    country chickens for sale from erode...

    we offer country chickens for sale from erode, tamil nadu.... quantity may be 750 kg/month (live cost)... for details call me @
  13. I

    Country Chicken Eggs

    Dear ones, I am Jai from Coimbatore and I am interested in starting a Country Chicken Egg business. I want to know more about what are the types of Country chickens available and which one yields more eggs and meat. If there is any country chicken farms in and around Coimbatore, I am ready...
  14. I

    Country Chicken Poultry

    Dear ones, I am Jai from Coimbatore and I wish to set up a country chicken poultry in my coconut farm. Can anyone guide me? I am new to this field, so any information will be greatly appreciated. Regards, Jai.
  15. A

    How to Vaccinate Chickens

    When you buy the Vaccine, get a polythene cover of Ice. Transport the two sealed glass veils of vaccine materials in the ice covered cover. Also buy a syringe with needle. Go to home. Pierce the sealed liquid content. Suck it the with syringe with needle and then open the other glass veil with...
  16. A

    Profitable country chicken in India Visit the link above or Please visit KADAKNATH CHICKEN Sakthivel 07418341038 KADAKNATH CHICKEN
  17. I

    Country chicken Cost?

    Whole sale Rate per Kg =130Rs to 140Rs Direct Sale Rate per Kg=180Rs to 200Rs. after 100th days chicks will get a weight of 1500gms(1.5Kg) to 1600gms We are supplying Country Chicks from day older to 100days older and If you need Guidance for Running Country chicken Farm or any queries...
