bank loans

  1. E

    Bank Loan

    Dear Readers, Usually there is no clarity on the interest rate charges by banks to farm and agri loans. Each bank seems to charge a different rate of interest. When we negotiate the bank lowers the rate. What is your opinion? Uneducated farmers who visit the bank are not treated with...
  2. T

    provide finance for Big projects

    Hallo companies,schools,colleges etc.. Do you want finance on bank interest?minimum 5 Cr....., against collateral security and your project report.If any body interested to avail this services..pls contact: please send yor project in the first mail itself.
  3. S

    Bank Loans for Floriculture!

    Floriculture In karnataka, Tamil Nadu ----------- Can anyone out there provide me info if any Bank or venture capitalist provides loans for 1. Buying land 2. Funding for buying requisite materials and setup 3. Funding for 2 years atleast for company to grow until first sale is made...
