
  1. E

    For Sale Azolla for feed

    Fresh Protein-rich Azolla is available for feed. daily supply capacity 15kgs ஆடு மாடு கோழிகளுக்கு தீவனத்துடன் கலந்து கொடுக்க அசோலா பசுந்தீவனம் தேவைக்கு
  2. E

    For Sale Azolla in Trichy

    Fresh azolla available near Trichy. Those interested please contact.
  3. A

    Question Azolla Farming

    I am looking to start azolla in Guntur, AP. I would like to know, how to produce it organically. What would be a small scale setup cost and how and where i can market it. Also I am looking for the initial mother culture. Thanks in advance for replying.
  4. K

    Azolla commercial production

    Can anyone provide information regarding buyers of azolla in huge quantities
  5. S

    Azolla powder

    Interested farmers or dairy entrepreneurs may contact for bulk quantity of dried azolla. The benefits of supplement of feed in feed formula may be mailed to the interested parties... for further details email Dr.S.Sundar 9948995386
  6. S

    Wanted Want azolla seeds

    Hello I am from andhra pradesh, vijayawada. I want to purchase AZOLLA SEEDS for cultivation. I would appreciate if someone could even help in finding sellers. sellers can contact me at thanks in advance
  7. A

    Azolla for sale with Starter kit

    Hi, I sell azolla seeds with start up kit. Interested persons may contact me at 9943330061. Delivery by train. Azolla Production
  8. N

    Azolla issues

    Hello We are having a dairy farm with 30 cows near Mysore in Karnataka. We had decided to grow azolla and built tanks with dimension 20x6 feet with depth of 6 inches. This has been done in cement. We innoculated with culture in the beginning and before we could start harvesting, the azolla...
  9. U

    Wanted Azolla in Gujarat ?

    Hello Friends and Farm Enthusiast, Please can anyone give me some information about growing and getting Azolla in Gujarat. Thanks
  10. C

    Azolla Culture

    Hi, I am from Anantapur district, Andhra Pradesh. I am looking for AZOLLA culture. Could you please provide contact details where I can get Azolla in Anantapur or near by Anantapur. Regards, Cdr
  11. A

    need azzolla seeds

    Anyone having azzolla seed or know where to get hold of this? am in Bangalore
  12. S

    production technology and benifits of azolla biofertilizer

    sir, i am shiva MSc ( agriculture) student, i want complete information about the production technology and benefits, losses of azolla, and its different uses, please send me sir
