
  1. K

    Wanted Requirement of spices in South India

    Cardamom. ... 3kg Chilli Peppers. ... 3kg Cinnamon. ... 3kg Cumin Seeds. ... 5kg Clove -3kg Cashew -30 kg
  2. D

    Land Required Agricultural land in Tamilnadu, M.P. Andhra, Karnataka

    We need 50- 100 acre cheap land in Tamilnadu, M.P. Andhra, Karnataka. Please contact.
  3. R

    suggestions for a fresher in agriculture

    Hi, Iam Ranjit Reddy from Nellore. Can anyone give suggestions for a fresher in agriculture and a first time cultivator like me. In my area we can go for two crops per day and the soil is red soil. Thanks, Ranjit
  4. P

    what crops can be grown in the month of january 2013 in cuddapah district of AP?

    which crops (either cash crops or food crops) can we start to cultivate in the month of december 2012, january 2013 in cuddapah district of AP? Soil type is black soil. I have 7 acres of land with 2 bores. Please suggest me with a proper crop suitable for that season taking all the conditions...
  5. P

    what crops can be grown in the month of january 2013 in cuddapah district of AP?

    which crops (either cash crops or food crops) can we start to cultivate in the month of december 2012, january 2013 in cuddapah district of AP? Soil type is black soil. I have 7 acres of land with 2 bores. Please suggest me with a proper crop suitable for that season taking all the conditions...
  6. P

    what crops can be grown in the month of january 2013 in cuddapah district of AP?

    which crops (either cash crops or food crops) can we start to cultivate in the month of december 2012, january 2013 in cuddapah district of AP? Soil type is black soil. I have 7 acres of land with 2 bores. Please suggest me with a proper crop suitable for that season taking all the conditions...
  7. P

    what crops can be grown in the month of january 2013 in cuddapah district of AP?

    which crops (either cash crops or food crops) can we start to cultivate in the month of december 2012, january 2013 in cuddapah district of AP? Soil type is black soil. I have 7 acres of land with 2 bores. Please suggest me with a proper crop suitable for that season taking all the conditions...
  8. S

    Want to Buy Emu Farm in AP (Godavari/Krishna Dt)

    Hi, I am looking to Buy any existing Emu farm with good facilities in and around Godavari/ Krishna districts of Andhra Pradesh. Please email me details , if you have any information. Regards, Syed Please contact...
  9. A

    EMU Chicks for sale in Basar, Andhra pradesh

    Hi, We have good quality EMU Chicks for sale. The farm is located in Basar, Andhrapradesh. The price of chicks vary depending on the age. The 3months old chicks are priced @ 8000/- . PLease contact for more details. Thanks Aravind
