agri lands for sale

  1. sampadafarms

    Land for sale in andhra pradesh

    FARM LANDS SUITABLE FOR AGRICULTURE AVAILABLE FOR SALE We are Hyderabad based agri consultants. If you are interested to acquire farmlands any where in Andhra Pradesh, kindly contact us. We have large database. We are professional service providers and in the agriculture consultancy since...
  2. A

    Agriculture & Commercial lands for sale

    Dear Potential investors / Consultants, We are one of the professionally managed property consulting company operating from Hyderabad. You can find us through our following web sites. We have number of bulk agriculture lands for sale in South India and we are one of the leading bulk land...
  3. G

    Beware of land Prices around Madhugiri - they are soaring n soaring

    Dear forum members, I am quite surprised to see several ads in this forums pricing agriculture 45lacs per acre / 50 lacs per acre around madhugiri... Being a native of this place wanted to bring into the notice that please please please be careful in dealing with those lands, title's clarity...
  4. A

    Land Required Agriculture lands for sale around Hyderabad & Andhra Pradesh

    Land rates are at its lowest level around Hyderabad & now Investing on lands is the best investment option. We provide the land trading services in / around Hyderabad along with other districts of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamilnadu & Maharashtra. Lands at various places & prices in Andhra...
