Search results

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    wanted ostrich

    Ostrich Hi Rajiv, I have Emus if you want. They are adult and have Eggs last season. Pls let me know. I can be contacted also on B regds,
  2. P

    6.5 acres of agricutural land in mysore

    Land for sale Hello, Can you provide me the exact location, price expected and the cultivation presently to my email - Best regds,
  3. P

    Invitation to all EMU farmers

    Invitation. Hello, What type of invitation is it? There is nothing specific about the place, time and persons to contact for information! Would be highly obliged if you could provide the needful Best regards,
  4. P

    Needed Dry grass (hay) feed for Cows

    I am in need of dry grass feed for cows. I have a small farm at Jathawara, in Chikkabellapur district, Karnataka. If available pls respond
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    Wanted farmers for medicinal herbs cultivation under buyback

    I am starting up a small farm in Chikka Bellapur district of Karnataka. i am interested in your proposal. Pls free to contact me Best regards, Parameshwar Iyer
  6. P

    Wanted farmers for medicinal herbs cultivation under buyback

    I am starting up a small farm in Chikka Bellapur district of Karnataka. i am interested in your proposal. Pls free to contact me Best regards, Parameshwar Iyer
  7. P

    Required Wanted Farmers for medicinal plants cultivation under buyback

    I am starting up a small farm in Chikka Bellapur district of Karnataka. i am interested in your proposal. Pls free to contact me Best regards, Parameshwar Iyer
