Search results

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    Wanted NRI: I am Intrested in investing Agriculutre business Ventures

    sir, my self mallikarjun, completed ...i would like to start sheep farming and diary farming ...i am also planning to market our products in new innovative ways...i am from kadapa of andhrapradesh, basically farmers family....i have good idea on farming and governament subsidies..etc. if...
  2. M

    need investment for dairy and goat farms in 50:50 deal

    sir send me complete details, i would like to invest in Divine Dairy and Goat Farms to my mail id my username with gmail
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    Assistance on Agriculture

    send me one mail to mail id i.e mallikarjana with gmail, i will help you
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    Wanted 16 ton Channa,(Chick peas,Konda kadalae,Konde kadalae,Senagalu)

    please send me contact number private message and also your requirements
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    share your agribusiness ideas

    hi my self mallikarjun , i am also from farmer's family,i would like to share some agriculture related ideas with you. if you want you can send mail to mail id ALL THE BEST .........................
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    wanted Distributors for Agriculture Equipment in A.P

    sir i would like to have complete details, , i am from kadapa district, i will take dealership,provide me complete details
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    sir give me complete details with price rates my mail , i will supply you
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    Wanted labour for dairy farm.

    sir ,send your details to me ,my mail id is my user name with gmail, send me details like place, how many persons or families required, salary.....
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    Maximum Subsidies & Govt.Grants.

    sir,i have some plans ,which are highly problem is with bank loans,so i need your help,please send me your contact details to my mail id that is my user name with gmail. i will pay you more than your expectations.
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    need wheat in large quantity from madhya pradesh only

    hi, i would like to have wheat 200 tons/month, from madhya pradesh state. i am from andhrapradesh, is there any TAX ,have to pay for this?give me price also any one help me ...... thanking you
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    land avaliable in kadapa dt

    hi 13 acres land available for sale,near to NH -18, near to kadapa ,mydhukur. further contact mail id
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    Quails for sale

    sir may i know your contact details ,i would like to set up quial form send me to mail id
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    solar water pumps

    hai ,gangi reddy may i have the price&specification list please send me thanking you O.MALLIKARJUN REDDY
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    Casual labour supply

    need of labour for agriculture if you have labour then contact me
