Search results

  1. M

    Good Fertile Land For Sale......

    Contact Kindly send me the contact number to
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    Mushroom Farmation

    Hi, i can help u in farming for mushrooms, kindly revert with ur requirements
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    Nepali satavar,serpentina , stevia plants for sale

    Price Please do share the prices of the plants, please revert
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    We buy and sell coffee estate in chikmagalur and coorg

    Kindly share the contact number
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    Willing to grow milky mashroom and osyter mashroom in large no and sale it

    I can share the method of mushroom culitvation, if required in large or small scale. Revert back with contact details and the plan to cultivate
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    oyster mushrooms for sale...

    Oyester Spawn Dear Gajanan, Share ur mail Id and contact number We provide quality oyester spawn which gives you high yield and stays fresh for minimum 36 hrs, Interested !! revert back ASAP. Regards, Santosh
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    where do u want exactly. And what is the price u r expecting. Regards, Santosh
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    Hi Everybody!! I am Santosh from Bangalore and interested buying oyester mushroom. And, I do require a investor for the mushroom cultivation, i have land of 5 acres for the cultivation. Anyone interested please revert Regards, Santosh
