I am running a dairy farm near somanahally, and would like to shift the same to somanahally. Kindly revert with your contact number or address to enable me to talk to you in person.
Thanks and Regards
Lookinf for Farm land on rent or lease
Dear Sir / Madam,
I am already running a dairy farm in Kanakapura road near Somanahally and looking for a change of place.
Kindly contact me
Please revert.
Thanks and regards
When you are writing to the mass mail, you should write from where you would like to start and communication details so that any helping hand will support you.
want to establish a new dairy farm with 6 jersey cows
Please contact the following Cow agents, Bangalore if you are interested.
Mr.Murthy ,
Need 500 hf cow looking for business partner for our farm
Please contact the following Cow agents, Bangalore if you are interested.
Mr.Murthy ,
Dear Sunil.
I have planned to start a cow farm near bangalore. Pre discussions on set up are already over. I am yet to procure the live stock. Are you able to supply Loosern/ brusimon regular basis. If so please communicate with price, terms etc.,
Wanted agricultural / vacant land with in a radius of 50 Kms of Bangalore on lease or rental to start a cattle farm / dairy farm.
Any tailor made shed with vacant land too can contact.
Interested owners please contact on my mobile