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  1. N

    Dried Flowers & Pot Pourri Farm Business

    Dear Frndzzz....... Please if anybody cud help me out by sending me the details to start Dried flowers production & Pot Pourri, their packing, Storage and Marketing...also, the likely future & growth in this business...... customers locally and globally.....(Although I cannot initially invest...
  2. N

    Manufacture of Dried Flowers & Pot Pourrii

    Hello... Thank u so much Mr. Ram......i appreciate your help. but i did like it if you would kindly send me more informtn about the subject in question. That is, if you can.... do help me out by sending me a detail of the procedures and key things to carry out in order to get this business...
  3. N

    Dried Flowers & Pot Pourri Project

    Dear Frndzzz....... Please if anybody cud help me out by sending me a previous project report on starting Pot Pourri & Dried flowers production, their packing, Storage and Marketing...also the likely customers locally and globally........cud be a great Help..........!!!!! Best Regards, Neysa
  4. N

    Plants to grown in home garden

    Well u could grow......Coconut trees depending upon whether its a Coastal area or not....Cashew plants and ofcourse Pineapple plant which grows in most of tropical India......
  5. N

    Manufacture of Dried Flowers & Pot Pourrii

    Dear Frndzz, I m situated in Goa.....n have done done my Biotech for d past 1 & 1/2 year i hve been on research but always found the self employment part more satisfying as a Biotechnologist I have tout of starting Dried flower manufcturng & Pot pourri business aftr doing...
