Hello, i am interested to buy around 1000lts of cows milk daily collection between hosur to krishnagire interested dairy farmers can contact 9480182271
interested in dairy
i am from bangalore, if you are interested to do the dairy farming jointly, i have the faciality to rare 70 cows with suitable shed , water and land to grow fodder and also marketing faciality to sell milk.contact
we are in dairy busness from last four years, we make dairy products and close to kumbulgud we are interested in buying farm fresh milk which you are milking 450lts kindly contact 9480182271
thanking you
dairy farm avilable
if you are interested in starting dairy farm, i have a shed to reare 50 cows and other facialitied like water power land for fodder growing etc. and also i can collect all milk which you produce if you are interested contact