Search results

  1. S

    need information regarding herbal cultivation

    We have 300 acres agriculture land and we are willing to cultivate Herbs . we are interested in medicinal and aromatic agriculture practicing. please advice us for best one or the multiple herbs with complet report with your effort or help in doing such thing. Please contact..
  2. S

    available sarpghnadha Rauwolfia Serpentina

    whole material is sold out . sorry for un-convince . but still we are accepting advance booking , order and ready for MOU .
  3. S

    available sarpghnadha Rauwolfia Serpentina

    sarpghandha (Rauwolfia Serpentina) roots available specifications 1. moisture content 1-2% 2. organic fertilizers & pesticide are used 3. 7.5 tonn available quantity 4. 29900.00 / tonn rate 5. alkaloid content 1.64 – 2.94 % 6. variety-R.S-1 rauwolfia roots also available in your desired...
