Search results

  1. S

    Carnation flower growers in Bangalore area

    Friends, I want the Contact details of Carnation Flower growers in and around Bangalore. Near bangalore is also OK Pl help me with the details. Regards, lakshmanan
  2. S

    Chrysanthemums cultivation in Kodaikkanal

    Friends, I want to grow chrysanthemums in kodaikkanal. Will the temperature and soil condition be suitable to grow Chrysanthemums. I want to cultivate in the open field. pl guide me Also send the Average Market price for Chrysanthemums. Regards Lakshmanan
  3. S

    chrysanthemums growing tips

    Friends, I want to grow chrysanthemums on open field in Kodaikkanal. Kindly guide me on the cost of cultivation in 2 acers and the profit margins. Is this flower an all season flower or will grow more in any particular months? Also guide me on the selling price. Thanks
  4. S

    Carnation flower buyers in Karnataka & Tamilnadu

    Friends, We are planning to grow carnation in polyhouse in Kodai. I require the Buyers contact address & phone numbers in Bangalore & Chennai. Pl help......... Regards, Lakshmanan
  5. S

    carnation flower rates & markets in india

    Friends, I would like to know the Standard Price of Carnation flower in most of the seasons. Pl share information on Exports possibilities for Carnation flower. What will be the Price of Rose flower in all seasons Regards, Lakshmanan
  6. S

    Strawberry cultivation in kodaikanal

    I would like to cultivate strawberry in open field in kodaikanal in the free space available next to gerbera poly house. Will it be a profitable cultivation? can we combine gerbera/carnation cultivation with strawberry? will the pesticides used for strawberry affect gerbera/carnation?
  7. S

    Gerbera and carnation plantation details

    I want to set up a green house at Kodaikanal for growing Gerbera and carnation. Pl let me know the cost per poly house and the subsidy available for poly house and plant
