Search results

  1. M

    Goat farming training institutions in andhrapradesh

    Dear Friends, Good afternoon!!!! I would like to start a Goat farm near to Vijayawada city in Andhra Pradesh. Could u plz guide me regarding the Goat farming training institutions in Andhra Pradesh. Please contact...... with regards durga prasad
  2. M

    contract poultry farming

    what is contract poultry farming? Which r the companies offer contract farming? in Krishna, dist- andhra pradesh could u plz give me details
  3. M

    regarding goat farm

    My name is Durga Prasad finished MBA from Australia. Recently I step back to india and planning to start a goat farm near guntur or krishna district. Could you plz guide me with your valuable real experiences. 1.With how many goats can i start in 5 acres of land ? 2.Total project...
