Search results

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    Wanted Trench maker for mango trees

    I need a pto driven trencher for making 15" wide and 15" deep trenches for fertilizer placement in mango trees.
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    Fruit Ripening Chamber

    Can anyone help me in getting a detailed project report on "fruit ripening chamber" amit2277
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    Land required in madhya pradesh

    Dear All, We would like to purchase agricultural land in dist. Sagar, Madhya Pradesh. Optimum land size should be 50-100 acres
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    New Methods of Sugarcane Planting

    Can you pl. provide some details about this method.
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    Tray for sugarcane buds

    Dear Savitria, Can you pl. provide contact details of a couple of agri dealers who sell trays and coco peat.
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    Tray for sugarcane buds

    Hi everybody, Can anyone pl. inform me where in Delhi can get plastic trays and coco-peat for planting sugarcane buds. amit2277
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    Land Needed for lease

    Leased land Dear Pummy1, please give details of land i.e. location, rate etc. via P.M. Our company is engaged in the business of leasing lands for farming.
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    Alfalfa seed

    I would like to purchase alfalfa seed for sowing in U.P. Kindly provide details of seed rate per acre and time of sowing in north India.
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    agricultue land in Madhya pradesh

    Mr. AAAA, It seems you have forgotten after once posting your thread. If The land is actually there, kindly reply to the post as I am interested in your land at Sagar. amit2277
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    agricultue land in Madhya pradesh

    kindly give detail of location of Sagar land by P.M.
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    cheap agreculture land in madhya pardesh

    Kindly give details as to location of land, water availability.
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    Garlic planting material

    Manish, Garlic is planted in early october in northern India. I have with me hybrid variety G-323 which is a high yielding variety. My farm is near Karnal(Haryana). For any clarifications, kindly contact via P.M. Amit
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    Turmeric planting material

    Dear All, High yielding and good quality turmeric planting material available for sale from my farm at Muzaffarnagar, U.P. Pl. contact by P.M.
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    Patao powder

    Dear Ashwani ji There seems to be no information on the website of Central tuber crops institute.
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    Tissue culture G9 banana plants for sale

    Dear sir, Where is your lab. situated? My farm is located 100 km from Delhi. How can the plants be transported from your lab to my farm? I have never grown bananas before. can you advise me on the cultivation practices to be adopted and whether the climate of north India suits your variety.
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    Angad Diesel Hal 6.0 (A Versatile Mini Tiller)

    kindly send details by P.M.
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    diseases in lady finger crop

    Dear Chan, The details of your disease are not known. The dose of imidacloprid suggested by Rakesh is very high. It should not be more than 12.5 ml for a 15 lt. tank. Also, you can apply acetamiprid 20% @ 100gm. per acre. At an early stage, Okra may be infested with Aphids which can be...
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    Turmeric Farming

    turmeric cultivation Dear Manohar, You can contact me if you are desirous of cultivating turmeric.
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    Sale Mulching Paper

    Dear sir, Kindly send details. I require them for Turmeric cultivation.
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    List of Food processing technologies available in NRDC

    Turmeric processing technology Dear Sir, How can i get information on curing and polishing of Turmeric?
