Search results

  1. M

    Farm Fresh watermelons of aprx.100 tons for sale

    Hi ...good quality Farm Fresh watermelon is for sale of around 100 tons (can harvest 15 days from today) is at arasikere,Hassan-dq.karnataka(around 200 kms from bangalore) Only genuine,interested, ready to pay for quality only requested to call on 9845198966-kasturiraju.
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    COW DUNG FOR SALE @ Rs.5/kg

    In Karnataka we too can supply cow dung@ Rs. 4 /kg ex our farm. Interested persons can communicate to us. 9845198966..
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    Dairy Farming

    Dear sir, thanks. your short and precise tips for the dairy beginner. but, one doubt i had still we get Rs.900/quintal concentrate ...? If any such please provide the details, since we are unable to locate as such in the market...,pl. thanks and regards, kasturiraju.
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    Abdul Kadhar of SAFS Organic Enterprises will have talk about bio fertilizers

    Organic Fertilisers - reg. Dear sir, Thanks for the opportunity given for the discussion. since we have some other appointments to-day, kindly Answer our following questions: 1) Bio fertilisers and promoters means which are all that? can u name it? 2) Is it necessery to combine both...
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    6 Acres Agri Land For Sale - 100KM From BANGALORE

    hi can u communicate on 9449740526 or on please.
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    Green Fodder goat

    please call on 9845198966 hi , where r u from and how much the cost,please communicate, if interested to supply to our farm.
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    dry grass for sale

    hi where are you from and contact or communicate to us kasturiraju.
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    Required Cow Menure for my Land

    hi U can communicate to us for immediate supply thanks and regards, kasturiraju.
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    Required Vetinary doctor for a dairy farm , Andhra pradesh

    hi may be not posibble of geting anyone to you on full time. since, each state is starving with severe shortage of vetenrain doctors. kasturiraju.
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    Maize fodder 1 acre near Hosur

    hi please communicate to us
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    Maize available for cattle feed

    hi, we can puchase any quantity ,subject to delivery to our farm which is near arasikere i.e.200kms from bangalore on shimoga highway.maruthidairy09atyahoodotin. if interested, personal message to us with photographs,price etc., thanks and regards, kasturiraju
  12. M

    Few of well nurtured animals for sale

    Dear all, 1) KNR 01.HF...4th lactation..delivered 2 months back..siemen given not yet .confirmed.....9ltrs/time milk yield...quoting price is...Rs.44,500-00 2) KNR02...HF...3rd lactation...8th month pregnant...milking stopped...Rs.55,000-00(given 18ltrs/day in earlier lactation) 3)...
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    Bio Gas Power Generation

    hi, u can search the website of biourja power systems and communicate to them. all the best, kasturiraju.
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    dairy farm

    hi u can communicate to us kasturiraju.
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    cheap and the best cattle feed available regularly

    hi, Quote with details i.e. from where r u , minimum quantity to supply, delivery schedule, etc., to us if u are clearcut to thanks and regards, kasturiraju.
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    Economics of Diary farm in Indian context rather say in context with our village

    simple doubt but difficult to explain ..... hi mathews, Dairy farming is not only based on the investments,knowledge,milk yielding or technologies.....probably in Agricultrure or farming stock enterpreunership is a more interreleated complicated activities....what we learnt on...
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    Anaerobic treated buffalo dung

    hi, you can communicate to us thanks and regards, kasturiraju.
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    Tharparker/Gir cows Excellent condition for sale

    hi uday, can u send the photo's along with your detailed quote to us kasturiraju.
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    wanted HF cows

    hi, we can supply a provide u hf cows of various lactation ,pregnent and non pregnant. please communicate thanks and regards, kasturiraju.
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    cows and calf for sale

    hi, where are you from, send the no. of animals are with you
