Search results

  1. A

    Tree Saplings required

    We have requirements of Forestry tree saplings with minimum height of 1.5 mts. Please contact us if you have your own saplings with rates and locations. E.g. trees like Gmelina arborea, Tamarind(Tamarindus Iindica), neem(Azadirachta indica), teak(Tectona Grandis), Millettia pinnata...
  2. A

    wanted causirina saplings

    Hello, We are supplying the causrina saplings and we are also do the plantation. Please send more details with your address and contact info, i will get back to you asap. With best regards, Bala.
  3. A

    Vermicompost (organic manure) for sale

    We are manufacturing the vermicompost (organic manure) using the earth worms (Eudrilus eugeniae and Eisenia foetida) with the capacity of 150 mt per month. The inputs of worms are cow dung, green leaves and coconut cake in liquid form. Nutrient profile for (input cow dung alone) Nitrogen(N)=...
  4. A

    Tulsi seeds required

    We required a tulsi seeds for plantation purpose in our lands. is anybody have the tulsi seeds please let us know by below email with details like variety, price and mode of payment and delivery etc., Email: Thanks in Advance.
