Search results

  1. R

    Button mushroom - wanted

    Dear, Buvan ji We are A cultiwator/Supplyar Mushroom Botton & golden/Oister, if Real Purcheger Then Contect to Us As on (M)+91-9785333337.+91-9785080000.
  2. R

    Requirement of Herbs

    Please Sent yours Email & Phone No. On My And +91-9785333337,+91-9785080000.
  3. R

    Can any body give me the contact number of AJAY DUBEY, Patna

    Contact ..............................
  4. R

    fresh oyster mushrooms wanted in bulk on daily basis

    Hi, Dev ji we have cultivator of mushroom and others veriet of herbal and Nutrinal Plants, Seeda,roots etc
  5. R

    Wheat and maize

    Dear, Mr.if you regular basis Purchege Then Contect to Us The Best Price with quantity
  6. R


    Hellooooooooooooooooooooooo If you Contect to regular Basis The about to Quantity Per week/ per month. and rates and Conditions full - fill .
  7. R

    I have land very low price 10000 per biga

    land Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Plz Send yours Full Detail Email and Cell no.
  8. R

    3000 acres land

    2999 acre land Please Contact-
  9. R

    Biogas plant, portable at 15000/ only

    portabale Biogas Plant Hi, Please Contect To Us for Bulki Quantity Regarding Visite Us-
  10. R

    Tomato Cultivation Expert Required from India

    tometo Cultivation Hi, We can do it Please Contect
  11. R

    Looking for Drumsticks and Karela in bulk quanitity in Ahmedabad

    bitter guard ( Karela) Hi, We have 550 acre Land With arigation sweet water at Grater noida Nearest Delhi or NCR Sector So Please you Contect to Us i am intrested With Agreement Supply any tipe Vegitable and Medicine Plants or Crops
  12. R

    biogas plant

    BiogasPlant Hi, i hope you intrest to biogass Plant Please Contect. am in Jaipur Rajasthan Contect No. +91-9785333337. and Visite and Dropdi Herbals Pvt. Ltd.
  13. R

    Require Termaric Powder

    turmeric Powder Please Contect
  14. R

    Aloevera Farming Information

    Aloevera Plantation Hi, Dear Mr./Mrs, I hope you intrested My6 fevorite Subject For Aloevera All inquirry Regarding Contect to Us.
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    Funding Offer funding available

    We keenintrest to funding Hi, i hope you intrest to yours fund for the Agriculture & Retail market in india Please You Contect to my Personal Email and Visit or www.
  16. R

    Looking to Buy Oyster and Milky Mushroom spawns in bulk

    mushroom oster/button Hi, Dear, We are grover of mushroom at Jaipur Please Contact- www, and =91-9785333337, +91-9785080000.
  17. R

    aloe vera

    Aloevera Business Hi, Dear, Mr. i hope intrest to Aloevera Business Totaly Solution You Contact Us Dropdi Herbals Pvt. Ltd. And Dropdi Herbals Pvt. Ltd. or +91-9785333337, +91-9785080000. And My personal E
  18. R

    Wanted button mushrooms in bulk quantity in Pune City

    Button mashroom Dear, Sir i hope you intrested to Purchege button masroom As regular Basiss Then Contect to Us +91-9785333337, +91-9785080000. And Visite Us Dropdi Herbals Pvt. Ltd. And [url=
  19. R

    Mamta herbal mehandi (henna)

    Heena (mehadi) Hello, i am interested to purchase in Bulk Quantity Please contact cell no +91-9785333337,+91-9785080000. and Visite Us www, & Dropdi Herbals Pvt. Ltd.
  20. R

    wanted dry oyster mushrooms in bulk

    Dry Oyster mushrooms in Bulk Hi, Dear Mr. we are interested to Sale in Oyster Dry mushrooms in Bulk Quantity As Regular Basis with by agreements Please Visit Us Dropdi Herbals Pvt. Ltd. or Dropdi Herbals Pvt. Ltd. Cell No.+91-9785333337, +91-9785080000. and My Personal...
